Sunday, 23 December 2012
Joanna Lumley: The Search for Noah's Ark (Review)
This documentary aired on ITV-1 at 9:00pm on Sunday 23rd of December. The production was an interesting, reasonably balanced and informative account of what many people believe are the remains of Noah's Ark - but the detail was rather lacking. I have just a few points to make. First, as you will discover from the ancient history paper posted previously on this blog, Mount Yigityatagi in south-east Turkey, taken as the real location of the Ark's landing place, is confirmed through a study of ancient near eastern iconography. The cosmic twin-peaked mountain was where the 'cosmic egg' and 'tree of life' first resided. The sacred mountain was seen as a prop which separated 'heaven and earth', and on this hill 4 elements arose along with their 4 consorts. Comparison of ancient Minoan, Egyptian and Syrian icons and texts suggests that what Fasold and Wyatt discovered in the mud-flow probably is the Ark, having been transported in the mud from the twin peaks. That remnants of the Ark were still visible in the first and second centuries is confirmed by historians such as Josephus, who mentioned pilgrims scraping off bits of it as talismans. Second, the Scriptures clearly teach that the flood of Noah was a global cataclysm lasting over a year. There would be no rationale to include birds on the Ark, or to emphasize that all the high hills under the whole heaven were inundated, if it were only a local catastrophe. For more in-depth information on this whole topic, I would recommend the books Earth's Catastrophic Past Volumes 1 and 2, written by Dr. Andrew Snelling and Nissen, H. (Trans. Skondin, T.) (2004). Noah’s Ark Uncovered: An expedition into the ancient past.
Tuesday, 28 August 2012
Why Bill Nye is WRONG regarding Teaching Creation!
Ok - the much admired Bill Nye the Science Guy of Disney Channel fame has recently waded into the origins controversy with a short 'talking head' slot on the 'Big Think' YouTube Channel.
Sadly, given Bill's great pedagogic skill of packing wacky facts into short memorable soundbites, two and a half minutes are more than enough time for him to expose considerable 'custard-brains' on this particular subject!
His very first sentence is a blatant fallacy which betrays astonishing misconceptions of the creation/evolution controversy:
Bill Nye: "Denial of evolution is unique to the United States..."
Hmmm...regrettably that is:
ABSURDLY WRONG! Historically, protesting against the ideology of evolutionary humanism actually began long ago in the Mediterranean Middle-East where some of the first recorded rationalistic philosophies were constructed. This protest set a deep and rich historical precedent in the second and third centuries anno Domini - which heavily influenced subsequent centuries.
Using Holy Scripture, the early church fathers utterly refuted the Ionian Greek philosophers who often argued (via proto-evolutionary notions) that the world was ancient or even eternal. These creation apologists included: Barnabas (b. AD 100), Irenaeus of Lyons (ca AD 120-202), Clement of Alexandria (c AD 150-215), Julius Africanus (c AD 160-240), Hippoplytus of Rome (AD 170-236), Theophilus of Antioch (c AD 180), Origen (AD 185-253), Methodius (AD 260-312), Lactantius (ca AD 260-330), Eusebius of Caesarea (AD 263-339), Victorinus of Pettau (d. ca AD 304), Ephrem the Syrian (AD 306-373), Epiphanius of Salamis (AD 315-403), Basil of Caesarea (AD 329-379), Augustine of Hippo (AD 354-430), Cyril of Jerusalem (d. AD 387), Ambrose of Milan (AD 339-397), Bede of Northumbria (AD 673-735) and John of Damascus (ca AD 675-749). ALL these teachers understood the seven days of the creation week as EITHER normal, literal 24ish-hour days OR corresponding (in an eschatological-typological sense) to seven ages of a 7,000 year world history. ALL these early teachers, therefore, without exception, were explicitly and unequivocally Young-Earth Creationists - contrary to the fatuously ignorant (and often pernicious) claims of old-earth heretics.
During the Middle Ages the received biblical tradition (clearly taught by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself in Mark 10:6, Mark 13:19-20 and Luke 11:50-51)) of a Young Cosmos was maintained by (among others) Peter Lombard of Paris (d. AD 1164), Hugo of St. Victor (AD 1097-1141), Thomas Aquinas (AD 1225-1274) and Giacomo Filippo Foresti da Bergamo (AD 1434-1520).
During the Ages of Renaissance, Reformation, and Enlightenment (including the Early Modern Period), a full-bodied Young Earth Creationist doctrine was faithfully maintained by many authorities of repute in Science and Theology.
These included: Johannes Werner (AD 1468-1522), Martin Luther (AD 1483-1546), Wolfgang Musculus (AD 1497-1563), Philip Melanchthon (AD 1497-1560), Peter Martyr (AD 1499-1562), Heinrich Bullinger (AD 1504-1575), John Calvin (AD 1509-1564), Rodolphus Gualterus (AD 1519-1586), Francois Hotman (AD 1524-1590), Benito Arias Montano of Spain (AD 1527-1598), Zacharias Ursinus (AD 1534-1583), Joseph Scaliger (AD 1540-1609), Guillaume Salluste DuBartas (b AD 1544), Francisco Suarez (AD 1548-1617), Hugh Broughton (AD 1549-1612), Gervase Babington (AD 1550-1610), Lancelot Andrewes (AD 1555-1626), William Perkins (AD 1558-1602), Annotations from the Geneva Bible of AD 1562, Andrew Willet (AD 1562-1621), Johannes Polyander (AD 1568-1646), Johannes Kepler (AD 1571-1630), Henry Ainsworth (AD 1571-1622), Thomas Gataker (AD 1574-1654), William Ames (AD 1576-1633), John Diodati (AD 1576-1649), Rabbi Lipman (AD 1579-1654), John Richardson (AD 1580-1654), James Ussher (AD 1581-1656), Petavius of France (AD 1583-1652), the Irish Articles of AD 1600, John Trapp (AD 1601-1669), John Lightfoot (AD 1602-1675), George Hughes (AD 1603-1667), Roger Drake (AD 1608-1669), Francis Roberts (AD 1609-1669), John Owen (AD 1616-1683), the Annotations of Dordt of AD 1619, Thomas Manton (AD 1620-1677), Thomas Watson (AD 1620-1686), Francis Turretin (AD 1623-1687), the Dordrecht Confession of 1632, Ezekiel Hopkins (AD 1633-1689), Thomas Vincent (AD 1634-1678), the Haak Bible of AD 1637, William Beveridge (AD 1637-1708), Niels Steensen of the Netherlands (AD 1638-1686), Isaac Newton (AD 1643-1727), the Westminster Confession of Faith of AD 1646, the Westminster Annotations of 1657, Johann Osiander of Germany (AD 1657-1724), the Congregational Savoy Declaration of AD 1658, Mathew Henry (AD 1662-1714), John Woodward (AD 1665-1722), Thomas Ridgeley (AD 1667-1734), Thomas Boston (AD 1676-1732), the Baptist London Confession of AD 1689, John Gill (AD 1697-1771), John Wesley (AD 1701-1791), Johann Lehmann (AD 1719-1767) and Alexander Catcott (AD 1725-1779).
In the Modern Age, orthodox Young Earth Creationist teaching continued with tenured, erudite Scientists and Theologians such as: Richard Kirwan (AD 1733-1812), Thomas Scott (AD 1747-1821), Andrew Fuller (AD 1754-1815), Thomas Gisborne (AD 1758-1846), Granville Penn (AD 1761-1844), George Bugg (AD 1769-1851), Adam Clarke (AD 1772-1832), Richard Mant (AD 1776-1848), George Young (AD 1777-1848), George D'Oyly (AD 1778-1846), Andrew Ure (AD 1778-1857), John Murray (AD 1786-1851), George Fairholme (AD 1789-1846), Michael Faraday (AD 1791-1867), William Rhind (AD 1797-1874), Franz Pieper (AD 1852-1931), George McReady-Price (AD 1870-1963), Louis Berkhof (AD 1873-1957), Valentine Hepp (AD 1879-1950), Herman Hoeksema (AD 1886-1965), and Henry M. Morris (AD 1918-2006).
Present-day Scientists and Theologians who protest evolutionary deep time all over the world are too many to list on a short blog article such as this! Furthermore, individual protests have multiplied such that since the year 1865, when the Victoria Institute began a powerful critique of Darwinism in England, a whole variety of scientific institutions, charities and think-tanks have arisen to critique evolutionary theory across the globe. One of the first was the Evolution Protest Movement founded in 1932:
(see: for further information).
A list of just some of the more recent groups providing counter-evidence and alternative explanations can be found online here:
Bill Nye: "Once in a while I get people that really...or that claim, they don't believe in evolution. And my response generally is why not? - really - why not? Your world just becomes fantastically complicated when you don't believe in evolution..."
Answer: Well, Bill, quite apart from the illustrious heritage of Bible believing saints, scholars and hard-nosed empirical scientists outlined above (all of whom rejected evolutionary history with its logical positivist or Hegelian historicist world-views) there is a large and growing body of evidence that suggests evolution over billions of years never actually happened!
Personally, I think a potentially fantastically complicated world-view (such as orthodox Christian Theism can become given hard study of both natural and special revelation) is a rather exciting prospect for any student to consider in Science class! A 'world-view' is, after all, meant to be a view of the 'whole world' isn't it? And this planet is a rather complex and diverse place to live on don't you think?!
Let's allow parents, teachers and students a little freedom to ponder these great issues no?!? The History of Science certainly has something to teach us all! Or are your motives, along with Sagan, more ideologically-driven than you really make out? :-) Go figure...
Jackson, P.W. (2006:14-19). The Chronologers' Quest: The Search for the Age of the Earth. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Kulikovsky, A.S. (2009:59-84). Creation, Fall, Restoration: A Biblical Theology of Creation. Scotland: Christian Focus Publications.
Mortenson, T. and Ury, T. (2008:53-89). Coming to Grips with Genesis: Biblical Authority and the Age of the Earth. Arizona: Master Books.
Sarfati, J. (2004:107-139). Refuting Compromise: A Biblical and Scientific Refutation of "Progressive Creationism". Arizona: Master Books.
Thursday, 23 February 2012
Ancient History Revisited
Back to the Sources! – What Church Reformers Believed about
Ancient History and Why it Matters - By J.C.L. Powell
Have you ever
wondered what the Reformer Martin Luther believed regarding the ancient history
of our world? Surprisingly, he didn’t follow Herodotus (the so-called ‘Father
of Histories’) but chose instead to critically accept considerable portions of a
more detailed account which was alleged to come from Berosus the Chaldean
Priest. Today, however, this account is widely considered totally spurious and
Luther is believed to have been mistaken concerning its overall authenticity. In
place of a biblically consistent history, a new inconsistent approach has since
arisen that places the origin of humanity in the context of assumed ‘deep time’
(Shryock and Smail, 2011). This radical paradigm shift had its roots in an
unorthodox study of the stone hand-axes of Hoxne in Suffolk by John Frere in 1797 ‒ and further
interpretations of axes in the River Somme, France, some six decades later. It
was then that Joseph Prestwich presented a paper to the Royal Society and John
Evans introduced ‘deep time’ to the Society of Antiquaries (Renfrew, 1976:23). During
the same year these men were advocating vast ages (i.e. 1859), Darwin published his Origin of Species – and the rest, they say, is history.
In this article, however,
I want to share with you some new evidence suggesting that Dr. Luther’s
understanding was correct after all. Frere, Prestwich, Evans and Darwin have
regrettably mislead generations of historians and anthropologists ever since. In
place of deep time, we present a model to structure the synthesis of sources which
have slowly been pieced together. Hopefully, a new generation of bible
chronologists and archaeologists will be inspired to investigate this neglected
archaic period for themselves - and come to similar conclusions!
Searching for the
Beginning: Establishing a Numerical Time-Frame
First, a sensible beginning
for human history and coincidently the beginning of cosmic time itself must be
sought. If you were to pick up any ‘authoritative’ work of history or
archaeology these days, be it The Times
Complete History of the World, Barry Cuncliffe’s Europe Between the Oceans or J. M. Roberts’ History of the World, you would be told that history began long,
long ago in the pre-human past. 700,000 years have supposedly elapsed since the
beginning of human activity (c.f. Stringer (2006) and Menzies (2011), with
‘hominid’ activity stretching back 9 million years before present. These figures
contrast starkly with a beginning date calculated from the inerrant Word of God
– the Holy Bible - which in fact is our only
sure foundation for historical knowledge. One such Scriptural approximation (valid
from 2012 A.D.) is 6,274 years from the beginning of creation. This places Adam
and Eve in 4266BC and the Global Cataclysm in 2610BC. How did this author
arrive at these dates and how much weight should we attach to them? Well, more
than 128 calculations from Scripture have at one time or another been proposed
for the creation - and the arguments surrounding them are still ongoing today! The
evolutionist H.G. Wells described Archbishop Ussher’s famous date of 4004BC as
a ‘fantastically precise misconception’ founded upon ‘rather arbitrary
theological assumptions’. In fact, Wells himself was far more arbitrary in his
calculations than Ussher! Our approach at derivation probably isn’t the last
word on the subject, but it did involve consulting dozens of experts and
carefully weighing their arguments against numerous Scriptural references
(using ‘direct equivalence’ in Hebrew translation) – so I shall try to limit an
answer to just one sentence! The date 4266BC was obtained through a synthesis
of authorities; concluding a superiority of the Masoretic text over the
Septuagint (Jones, 2005 contra Setterfield, 1999); no gaps in the family lists
of Genesis 5 and 11 (Niessen, 1982 contra Robinson, 1999); a long period of 430
years for Israel in Egypt[1]
(Bowden, 1998 contra Viccary, 2007); 594 years of sovereign theocracy from the
Exodus to Solomon’s 4th year[2] - and
a Persian period of just 123 years (Austin, 2008a, 2008b and 2011 contra Jones,
1993 and Ussher, 1658 trans. 2003).
Having established a
clear timeframe solely from the best biblical scholarship[3], the
next logical step was to examine other reliable sources and carefully seek out
any obvious synchronisms. Considering the wealth of contradictory yet so-called
‘reliable’ histories available at our fingertips, it was hard to know where to
start! An old quotation swiftly answered this problem: “The one infallible
connecting link between sacred and profane chronology is given in Jeremiah
25:1: ‘The fourth year of Jehoiakim, which was the first year of
Nebuchadnezzar.’ If the events of history had been numbered forward from this
point to the birth of Christ, or back from Christ to it, we should have a
perfectly complete and satisfactory chronology.” (Anstey, 1913 in Mauro, 2001).
Now according to Austin ’s careful Scriptural synchronisation
of the divided kingdoms of Judah
and Israel , the forth year
of Jehoiakim was 524BC - meaning that this is when Nebuchadnezzar II most
probably began his Assyrian reign (Austin , 2011). So
assuming a ‘short’ Persian period of 123 years, here was a significant
synchronism ‘anchor point’ on which to build a larger, more reliable timeline (c.f.
Figure 1).
Meanwhile, many fragments
of Ancient and Classical historians had been accrued and a long list of
Assyrian/Babylonian rulers from Noah to Nebuchadnezzar’s Father[4] drawn
up – a total of precisely 42 Monarchs[5]
(in most instances with their respective regnal years from Eusebius)[6].
These rulers are also listed in Figure 1, where alternative name spellings are
separated via a comma. Numbering the events of history back from 524BC, it was
now possible to offer a revised chronology of this most obscure period,
independent from the (spurious) high dynastic chronology of Egypt . From
this revived Assyrian/Babylonian chronology was pieced together a revised
history of the ancient world using all the historical and archaeological knowledge
gleaned along the way.
In terms of
references, the historical and archaeological reconstruction presented in this
article has been drawn from a wide array of sources ancient and modern, but
special attention has been paid to Richard Lynche’s ‘An Historical Treatise of the Travels of Noah into Europe’ (Lynche,
1601)[7]. This
remarkable little book, which mentions giants like Goliath[8]
(9-11 feet tall), uses phrases such as ‘our Lord Jesus Christ’ and faithfully maintains
the multi-century life-spans and long virility that people reached in early
has been criticised as deeply misconceived, poorly sourced, legendary and
fictitious. To be fair, Lynche’s small volume is indeed heavily reliant upon the
highly controversial work of an Italian Friar named Annius a.k.a. Giovanni
(c. 1432-c. 1502), whom many scholars claim was a consummate fraudster. Nanni declared
that his source, Berosus, had been the curator of the temple library at Babylon and had access to
written records of human history back to the time of Adam. The chain of textual
transmission had been Adam, Noah, Nimrod, Berosus, Turkish monks etc. Some
scholars may therefore consider much of the following material rather worthless.
However, the very latest historical and archaeological research now appears to
be proving many of the so-called ‘fabulous’ or ‘outlandish’ claims astonishingly
accurate and Nanni is gaining far greater recognition as an authentic source[11]! Knowing
that mud does tend to stick to scholars once thrown – and those throwing the
most of it (just after Nanni’s death) were actually secular humanists with
large axes to grind, it became necessary to personally examine Lynche’s
chronology with a fine tooth-comb.
Does this eyebrow
raising chronology really stack up? Can my revised chronology of Babylon shed any new
light on Lynches timeline of events? I will leave the reader to make up their
own mind about how well these questions have been answered. There is a complex diffusionist
story yet to tell, which few will have heard before! In reading this rich and
detailed account, bear in mind that the material you are about to consider suggests
that if Nanni were a genuine source, Lynche was correct in many historical
details, yet failed to accommodate his timeline to a robust numerical foundation
(from either Scripture or the Assyrian-Median Empires). Having provided this
foundation and added numerous details from modern sources, I personally believe
this record is reasonably accurate.
Noah’s last 350 years:
2610 – 2260 BC
Our account of
ancient times begins in 2610BC[12] with
just eight people and a whole lot of animals eighteen miles south of Mt.
Ararat (Agri Dagi) - in Eastern
Turkey (Fasold, 1988 and Nissen, 2004). Here the Ark, looking something like a
giant vegetable gourd[13],
had come to rest 100 yards from the twin-crests of Yigityatagi (‘the cradle/bed
of the heros’ also called Mount Mashu[14],
Wall of Heaven, the ‘twin peaks’[15], the
Minoan ‘horns’, Mount Nizir, and the ‘Island of Flame’[16]) and
its precious cargo had disembarked into Naxuan (Nachidsheuan, Noakh-Tsywn, ‘Place
of First Descent’) – see Figure 3. Soon they discovered the Ark ’s
anchor stones and built a village there called Arzap (now Kazan) – where the Ark first came to rest.
This became known as the ‘Place of the Eight’. After 25 years[17],
Noah (a.k.a. Ouranos, Oenotrus, Inachus,
Nüwa, Nanna, Ianus, Argus, Nu, Nun, Geȋnos Autochthon, Janus, Olybarma, Oxygus,
Arsa, Khasisadra, Xisuthrus, Patecatl, Manes) along with his wife Titea (a.k.a.
Tytea, Tydia, Terra, Gaw Bo-lu-en, Nut, Naamah, Naunet, Vesta, Hestia, Aretia,
Gaia, Moone, Kuvav, Kufav, Cybele, Kubaba, Kug-Bau) and family travelled
north-east from the Ararat (Kurdish) mountains and using the Ark’s anchor
stones built the megalithic monument Zorats Karer (Qarahunge) near Sisian in
Turkey[18]. Next
they travelled south-west and built Urfa
(a corruption of Arsa[19]),
establishing a sacrificial temple in Gobekli Tepe[20]. In
2573BC, Salah (Shelah) was born to Arphaxad (Arip-hurra, Arraphu, Arpachiya)
the son of Shem and according to God’s command, Noah encouraged the chief heads
of his family to disperse abroad into various lands. Disobeying his advice, many
family members[21] instead
travelled south-eastward and together they found a plain in the land of Shinar
(Babylonia ). There, to make a name for
themselves, they began the construction of a city with a 600-foot ziggurat
composing seven levels (and a pagan astrological temple at its pinnacle)[22]. Five
years after Peleg was born[23],
i.e. some 106 years after the Cataclysm, in 2504BC, God came down upon their
‘Tower of the Seven Lights of the Earth’ in a great whirlwind[24]
and confused the people’s common language.
Upon hearing news of
this event, Noah, having already moved north with Shem to plant a vineyard near
Tanais (now Nedvigovka village) on the north coast of the Sea of Asov (Lake
Maeotis, Maeetis) in modern-day Russia[25],
built the very first post-flood ships and set sail with his sons on a 10 year
to establish boundaries. Sailing around the Sea
of Asov and Black Sea, then through
the Dardanelles (keeping the coastline always in view), he appointed all the
lands of Asia to Shem (his middle child), all the tributaries of Africa to Ham (his
younger) - and all the tributaries of Europe
to Japheth (the elder). In this careful manner, at various key locations around
the Mediterranean Sea , Noah left small
language groups with minimal provisions (such as livestock, tools and seed).
Returning to his vineyard in Armenia
(Russia/Turkey), Noah then began to establish monarchies.
Between 2478BC and
2465BC, 5 principal monarchies were established at Noah’s command[27].
Babylonia was established under the leadership of the young giant Nimrod
(Nembroth, Ninus I, Nebrod, Nebros, Spotted-one, ‘Leopard-tamer’, Saturn) the son of
Cush (Khum of Erech, Asbolus – who’s descendants inhabited Saudi Arabia ). Germany (Almaign) was inhabited via the Danube River
settlements of Lepenski Vir and Vinča in Serbia ‒ and was established under
Tuyscon (Tuitsch[28]), Noah’s
own son. He left Turkey with
his sibling wife (Araxa the Great – Noah’s daughter) plus 31 others and built
Koeln-Deutz (Cologne ).
Meanwhile, the chief sons of Japheth, who first founded the city of Aleppo (Magog) in Syria [29],
were each given 3 monarchies in Europe . Kytim
(Kittim , Italy ) was established under Gomer
(Cormerus Gallus) the son of Japheth. Spain
was established under Tubal the son of Japheth (together with Tarshish his cousin)
- and Gallia-Samothea (France
and Britain )
under Meshech (Samothes Dis) the son of Japheth. This Meshech arrived in France in
2446BC aged 139 years old, where he was gladly accepted by the indigenous people
Noah had first left there - who had begun to build woodland settlements. Britain and Northern Europe
at this time were still inhospitably cold from the little ice age, and weren’t
inhabited until many centuries later[30]. Javan
(Iamanu, Yauna, Iawones, Iawan, Yuban) the son of Japheth, together with his
son Elishah (Elisa), founded eastern parts of Greece (the Ionians[31])
and the Cyclades of the Aegean Sea, while Madai (Amada, Medai, Mada) founded
the Medes in western Iran[32].
Shem and his sons in
the mid-third millennium BC also founded various settlements in Asia [33].
Elam (Elamtu, Elymais, Elymaei, Haltamti, Huju, Huz) founded Persia, Asshur
founded Assyria and built the city of Ur[34],
Arphaxad founded Chaldea, Lud founded western Asia Minor, Aram (Aramu) together
with his sons Uz, Hul (Huleh, Ul, Hula), Gether (Gather) and Mash (Mashu,
Msh’r, Mishal - from whom Damascus received its name) founded parts of Syria and
modern-day Israel[35]. Meanwhile
in eastern China - Ham (Kronus I, Amynus, Anu, Utu, Shamash, Belus I, Phoroneus
i.e. ‘Apostate’, Ouranos II, Pan, Geb, Zoroast, Saturn, Æthiop, Atys, Attis, Hoshang, Esenus, Epigeius) instituted Feng Shan sacrifices at Mount Tai in modern day Shandong
province, under his Chinese alias of Huang-Di[36]
(one of China’s ‘Three Sovereigns’ or ‘Fu Xi’ meaning ‘bottle gourd’ children[37],
the other two being Jah-phu and Shennong, or Lo Shen). Ham’s other sons
inhabited various lands: Put (Phut, Puta, Putiya, Pydw, Putu-iaman) founded
North Africa near Carthage and Canaan (Kna’an,
Kn’nw, Kyn’n.w, Kinnahu, Kinahne) settled in the land later given to Israel (Jacob)
– south of the Aramaeans (Aramu).
In 2440BC, Noah desired to visit his monarchs
and so left Russia and Turkey under the leadership of Shem and his Nephew Sabatius
Saga (son of Cush) and travelled to Hyrcania (Iran), Mesopotamia, Arabia Felix
(Yemen) and Lybia (western Lower Egypt or the Nile Delta). From its first
inhabitation in 2427BC, Egypt
was ruled jointly by 8 chiefs for 217 years and then 15 chiefs for 443 years[38]. Here
in Egypt , Triton the son of
Gog, grandson of Sabatius Saga (Sabah) and great grandson of Cush
entertained him[39]. Only
months afterward, Triton died leaving Hammon (Ammon) as chief of Lower Egypt . Noah gave a daughter named Rhea (Gē, Gaia,
Nammu, Neith) in marriage to Hammon and promptly set sail for Spain to visit his grandson Tubal. By
Rhea, Hammon had an heir named Dionysius (Kronus II)[40]. Meanwhile,
in the 56th year of Jupiter Belus’s (Betylus) life (2367BC) – who
later ruled Babylon - his father[41] Ham
grew proud ruling in Lower Egypt and decided to invade Greece (where he united
the scattered Argives into the city Phoronicum – later called Argos from Argus
his grandson[42] – and
then Italy, usurping the throne from Ashchenaz the son of Gomer and corrupting
the youth with wicked practices. Noah – who had travelled from Spain to Italy
to visit Gomer – found out about this transgression and expelled Ham’s tribe to
the Island of Sicily [43]
in the year 2342BC.
In 2335BC, Noah
built a city in Italy –
where over two millennia afterward the Vatican was established[44].
Some 65 years past, without significant recorded incident, by which time Ham had
grown powerful in Sicily .
Noah, in collaboration with Hammon of Lower Egypt, sent three daughters (Rhea,
Astarte and Dione) to the island in an attempt to overthrow him. Yet learning
of their intentions, Ham gained power over them and forcefully took them as
wives – along with two others (Eimarmene and Hora) who were sent later with
troops to make war on him[45].
In 2264BC, Sabatius Saga, the former regent of Armenia
(Turkey )
who was then living in Italian exile with Noah, died. Noah himself – growing tired
and frail – appointed Cranus Razenus as his successor in Italy . Subsequently,
the Great Patriarch died in 2260BC, precisely 350 years after the Cataclysm
(Genesis 9:28).
From Abraham to Moses:
2253 – 1537 BC
Meanwhile, the
perceived treachery of Hammon (Ham’s own descendent via Cush ) filled Ham with guile. In
plotting revenge on his father’s main ally, he began construction of a fleet of
warships with his infamous son Typhon (Titan, Poseidon, Neptune). (The sons of
Poseidon were feared giants who usurped kingdoms wherever they sailed[46]).
Across from Sicily , in Mesopotamia at this
time in the city of Ur ,
Terah fathered Abram (Abraham) (born in 2253BC[47]),
who came from an idolatrous family but was later chosen by God to bless all
nations through the promise of the Messiah who would be born from his lineage. Three
years after the birth of Abram (Abraham), and ten years after his father’s
death, Ham seized his opportunity to dominate and invaded Lower
Egypt via its sea ports. Defeating Hammon, he banished him and his
smaller ship-fleet – which fled to the Island
of Candia (later called Crete ) to hide[48]. Centuries
passed and the civilizations in Crete and Egypt began to flourish. Crete and the
volcanic Island of Thera together with western Morocco (Ammonia)
grew into the famous maritime civilization of Atlantis (Menzies, 2011), who’s
chief city was Lixus (Maqom Semes). When Abram (Abraham) reached 100 years old, in 2153BC, he
together with Sarah had Isaac – the child of God’s covenant promise. Salah the
son of Arphaxad (the son of Shem) died 13 years afterward at the age of 433
years old. Eber his son survived him by 61 years, but lost his throne to Ham by the year 2079 BC, who by that time ruled all Persia as well as Africa.
When Isaac reached
60 years old, he and his wife Rebecca had Jacob. This Jacob endured a great
famine in the land of Canaan before entering Lower Egypt
in 1963BC, under a regent of Ham named Timaus – possibly the Pharaoh who knew
Joseph. Some 30 years later, his descendents – who were known as ‘Shepherds’ or
‘Hyk-shos’ i.e. ‘Shepherd-Kings’ - began to be oppressed and enslaved by the
Egyptian nation (Genesis 15:13-14). The
Israelite kings, also later called ‘Hapiru Captives’ or ‘Apiru’, continued
after Joseph - Saites, Beon, Pachnan, Staan, Archles and Aphobis[49]. Nearly
100 years after Jacob’s entry, in 1869BC, Nimrod died at the age of 609[50] and
was succeeded in Babylon by Jupiter Belus (Betylus) the son of Ham, who ruled a
further 62 years. He was succeeded by the war-hungry Nynas (Ninus II)
(1807-1755BC) of the Assyrian city of Nineveh ,
whose wife was Semyramis I[51]. In
1862BC, Meshech (Samothes Dis) of France died aged 723 years old and
was succeeded by Magus his son. This Magus was the first ruler of France and Britain to found permanent stone townships
and to tend flocks[52].
He gave his name to many ancient towns including Noviomagus, now called Neufchȃteau
and Rhotomagus, now called Rouen .
In 1811BC, Magus was succeeded by Sarron (Sydyk, Syduk, Sydic, Suduc, Sadykos,
Apollo, Chiron) know as ‘The Just’. He married a daughter of Ham and had Asclepius
(Eshmun, Imhotep, Tosorthrus – 2nd ruler of the 3rd
(contemporary!) Dynasty of Egypt, a skilled healer). Sarron and his family founded
universities and places of learning such as megalithic stone henges to
carefully observe the stars - and he was Father of the Cabiri (8 sea-fearing
brothers who discovered herbs, antidotes and charms and were venerated as healing
gods throughout the Mediterranean, Asclepius being their youngest member)[53].
In Germany , meanwhile,
Tuyscon was succeeded by his son Mannus in 1978BC. Mannus had three sons who reined
after him[54], Eingeb
(Ing) from 1906BC, Ausstaeb (Istaev) from 1870BC and Herman from 1820BC. This former
Eingeb had a Semitic general in his army named Brygus (Brigus, Phrygus,
Castellum – the son of Mash, the son of Aram
the Syrian, the son of Shem in Genesis 10:23) - who in 1651BC became the 4th
king of Spain
after the reigns of Tubal, Iberus and Eubalda (Inbalda) respectively[55]. The
descendants of this King Brygus relocated to Turkey
and founded Phrygia, where the city of Dardania (Troy I) or Ilion (Troy
II-VI) was later built. In Germany ,
Mers, the son of Herman, began his reign in the year 1757BC and after him
Gambrivises (Gampar) reigned (1711-1667BC) as Germany ’s seventh King[56].
Casting our
historical gaze back upon the idyllic civilization of Crete, the descendents of
Hammon grew rich through a prosperous trade network of merchant-ship vessels –
stretching even as far as western Morocco [57]
and South America (via the trade winds)[58].
In 1767BC, Ham, now extremely old, forced Rhea (Gē) in Lower Egypt to give him
his youngest son whom he named Mizraim[59]
(Osyris, Zeus, Apis, Serapis, Sesostris, Ammanemes, Misor, Misir, Mizru, Musri,
Kronus III, Kumarbi, Demaroon, Dionysus II, Danaus, Jupiter Ammon, Jupiter of
Acts 14:12, Hammurapi of Babylon?[60], Menes
the Thinite, Bacchus, Aithiopais, Ramesses II, Misphragmuthosis,
Alisphragmuthosis, Armesses, Armais, Epaphus, Epopeus, Enlil, Enki, Elus, Ea, Ilus,
Thamus). The very next year, however, Dionysius (Kronus II) the aforementioned
son of Hammon, sailed from Crete and took back Lower Egypt (Memphis, Avaris,
Heliopolis etc) from Ham by siege. In the siege, baby Mizraim was seized and
Dionysius adopted his infant half-brother as his own child. Being kindly
towards Mizraim he appointed his elder brother Dagon (a skilled tutor also
called Olympicus, Oannes, Siton) to train him[61]. Humiliated
by defeat, Ham together with his infamous son Typhon (Set, Seth, Suphis,
Sethos, Sethon, Sethosis, Poseidon, Ophion, Neptune, Chebros, Cheops, Ramesses
I, Chembres, Chebres, Zu, Anzu, Imdugud) - from his first wife Noegla - fled to
an obscure part of Upper Egypt (Nubia/Ethiopia – possibly Thebes). In 1755BC,
the same year in which Semyramis I became Queen of Babylon[62],
Ham had a daughter by Rhea whom he named Isis (Ceres, Iuno, Juno, Io, Frugisera,
Legisera, Feronia). Soon afterward, he grew discontented in Ethiopia and left Typhon in charge so he could take
leave to travel far-east once again and subdue the country of Bactria (Afghanistan ). Before this, however,
he had appointed a large area of Greece to his wife Astarte (Aphrodite,
Venus, Ashteroth of Genesis 14:5, Inanna, Ishtar). The young Isis travelled from
Upper Egypt to this Astarte in Greece
via the south-west Mediterranean trade current. There, she was made a Priestess
of Hera in the city of Argos .
In these days the Minoan/Pelasgian cult of the bull was popular in Egypt and throughout the Mediterranean, and
Astarte, together with Isis , wore a replica bull’s
head with horns as a mark of sovereignty whilst travelling – as is still attested
by certain stone reliefs until this day[63].
In 1705BC, after the
death of Queen Semyramis I and in the 8th year of the reign of her
son Ninus III (Ninyas, Zames, Zameis, Horus, Ninus the Younger) of Babylon ,
Mizraim unified Upper and Lower Egypt through a marriage contracted with his
sister Isis – who was taken from Argos
to be with him. A year later, they had their eldest son in Lower Egypt whom
they called Lehabim (Hercules, Heracles, Lubicus, Sesosis II, Horus, Hermes
Trismegistus, Athothes, Thoth, Taautus, Tantalus, Thoor, Thoyth, Teshub, Sandes,
Dorsanes, Sol Deus, Samdan, Melicarthus, Melkarth, Melqart, Baal of Tyre,
Marrhus, Marduk, Merodach, Moeris, Myris, Moloch of the sons of Ammon[64], Mercury,
Mercurius of Acts 14:12, Ma-fors, Mavors, Osymandes, Ismandes, Mendes, Lachares,
Orus, Athur, Oro, Odin, Ninurta, Ningirsu, Adad, Hadad, Asarluhhi, Ishkur,
Pathrusim). This union and child angered Typhon (Titan) of Upper Egypt, who still
saw Lower Egypt as his rightful inheritance. Fierce
war between Lower (Olympian) and Upper (Titan) Egypt ensued for 19 years, Typhon
engaging in successful border invasions (beginning the drawn-out ‘Ethiopic War’[65]) with
his younger half-brother Mizraim - whom he despised as illegitimate. Mizraim
(Apis), in turn, despised the foreign ‘Shepherds’ or ‘Hapiru/Apiru’ who were still
inhabiting his kingdom and posing a potential foe. By this time he had forced
them into the city of Avaris [66] (‘Sacred
to Orus’, Athur, Athur-ai, Abur, Abaris, Cercasora) and enslaved them in his
work-force for over 200 years, but they were growing both in strength and
number. In 1685BC, Ham and Typhon together invaded Assyria and Babylonia from Bactria (Afghanistan )
and Ethiopia , but their
pincer attack was repelled by Ninus III and they were forced to retreat towards
Phrygia and Lydia
(western Turkey/Anatolia).
Earlier that same
year[67], Mizraim
had sought to instruct foreign populations in the great learning of Lower Egypt
and to establish his eldest son as heir of all Egypt . Setting off on a 9 year
journey[68] with
a large multi-national army lead by Lehabim, his eldest son, and Athena
(Minerva, Myrina) his daughter (Queen of the Amazons[69]),
he taught those in Palestine (under his elder brother Dagon)) advanced skills
of agricultural farming, and thereafter set sail for Phutea (Ammonia, north-west
Africa or Morocco) to subdue a rebellion and invasion of Egypt by the
civilization of Atlantis (whose Moroccan civilisation - Ammonia - under Hammon had
previously been usurped by one Antheus (Antaeus, Atlas) the tyrannical son of
Ham and subsequently devastated by an Atlantic Tsunami - which had also
destroyed Isis’s (Juno’s) Athenian fleet of Greeks who were then at war with
Here, Mizraim’s army was opposed by Antheus [71],
yet he was defeated by Lehabim in single combat, during which battle he picked
his opponent up, crushed him to death and threw him into a deep cavern in the
earth and buried him with flints[72], after
which their army passed quietly into Ethiopia, the Persian Gulf/Red Sea and then
on into India (where on two mountains at the mouth of the Ganges they set up
pillars). From there, they heard of Ham and Typhon’s attack on Assyria and so passed
rapidly northwards into Babylonia . Hearing
from Ninus III (Ninyas) about Ham and Typhon’s retreat towards Phrygia (Turkey),
Mizraim, Lehabim and a contingent of Babylonian soldiers led by prince Arius (Agron,
the son of Ninyas pressed ahead and overtook Ham laying an ambush for his
father near the spring of Eflatun Pinar (in central Turkey). There, having
surrounded Ham (Atys, Attis) unawares, Mizraim castrated him - and his blood
flowing into the spring, he died of the wound[74].
Moving into the city of Mansia , near Mount Sipylus
(Olympus ), Mizraim (Zeus) pursued after
Typhon. Yet Mizraim’s tyrannical grandson Busiris (Belus, son of one Libya , who was a daughter of Ephaphus (Apophis))
was approaching from Syria
(Phonecia, Canaan ) in the South. In response
to this, Mizraim appointed Lehabim’s son Balaneus (Alcaeus, Alcymus, Alciamus,
Adrysus, Cleolaus, Lemnos, Agelaus) as regent of Mansia and accompanied an army
of Lydians led by Ashkelon (Ascalon, the son
of Hymenaeus who was Lehabim’s brother) to defeat the Syrians. Here Mizraim
built a walled city and called it Byblos
(modern-day Gebal) and prince Ashkelon built
the city of that bore his name (Judges 1:18). In 1680BC, however, knowing
Typhon had made use of the time bought by his ally Busiris, Mizraim returned to
Manisa, which Typhon had under siege. There he subjugated his already half-defeated
half-brother and gave Balaneus (Alcymus) charge of the city. From here, he sailed
through the Dardanelles of Greece but was denied passage (past modern Istanbul ) by Lycurgus who
was Typhon’s son. At first, all approaches of the Egyptian fleet were repelled,
but eventually they succeeded in breaching the city and Lycurgus was defeated in
single combat – being replaced by a young Egyptian army commander named Maron
Throughout the year
1678BC, Mizraim was victorious over many more petty kings in Greece , where
he appointed Macedon his son as sole regent. After these victories on the
mainland, he sailed to the Island of Candia [76] (Crete ) where he defeated Milinus and appointed a son from
whom descended the Curetes[77].
From Crete, Mizraim and Lehabim journeyed to Noah’s Tanais[78]
(modern day Nedvigovka village) and Asov (Asgaard) on the Sea of Asov (Maeotis,
Maeetis) in Russia and there ended their 9 year conquest. Here, they almost
lost their army due to food shortages and the strong defences of the Scythian
Castle Asgaard – which took over 20
years to breach. Eventually, Lehabim’s younger half-brother Targitaus (Tanais,
Tanaus) was appointed king of the city, from which it derived its name. Whist still
besieging the powerful fortress near Tanais, however, Lehabim became enthralled
in a romantic relationship with the Scythian Princess Araxa [79]
(Aruru, Ninhursag, Ninkharsag, ‘Lady of the Sacred
Mountain ’) the daughter of King
Gambrivises (Gampar) of Germany [80]. Seeking
her father’s permission in marriage, he began a long voyage with Mizraim
through Hungary and towards her
German home via the Danube
River . In 1672BC, they
greeted Gambrivises in Germany
and built villages and cities on the banks of the Rhine ,
from which grew the famous House of Austria. The following years saw a long cross-cultural
exchange take place between Germany
and Egypt ,
Mizraim (a.k.a. Apis) instructing the Germans in agriculture and the art of growing
vines[81]. King
Gambrivises was honoured to have such famed guests and soon accepted Lehabim as
his son-in-law. Princess Araxa was given to be his wife and together they had a
son called Tuscus. This Tuscus, later king of Italy, had a son called Altheus
(born 1652), the father of Blascon (born 1612), the father of Camboblascon (born
1582), the father of the brothers Herperus (Isius, Jasius, Jason, Hespanus, Ephas, Ephah, Apher) and Ophren (Epher,
Afran, Atlas Kittim, Jardanes, Iardanus, Dardanus – born 1552, who build the
settlement of Dardania (Troy I) in the reign of Allobrox of France approximately 1320BC)[82].
In 1575BC,
Armatritis became the 9th king of Babylon (numbered from Nimrod c.f. Figure 1).
In the very same year, Betus (Boetus) the son of Tagus Orma (Malot Tages,
Tegarama, Takarma, son of Gomer) became the 6th king of Spain [83] (this
Tagus was of the Italian dynasty and had
usurped the Spanish dynasty from Brygus in 1605BC). In 1548BC, the inhabitants
of Italy - who after the death of Cranus Razenus had been ruled by Aurunus (son
of Aram), Tagus Orma and Sicanus (son of
Tagus) - sent messengers to Mizraim in Germany, asking for Egyptian help to
overthrow the petty kings (Enachi Tyrants, Enakii Lukii) who were mercilessly oppressing
them. Mizraim agreed to their pleas and invaded Italy
that same year – defeating the tyrants and ruling there for 11 years in the
city of Virerbe (or Vetulonia) where Lehabim built a fortified settlement [84]. In
1537BC, when Mizraim was 230 years old, he was challenged by Betus of Spain,
who was outraged with the Egyptian attack on his Italian cousins. Thus, leaving
a nephew named Lestrigo as regent of Italy (over the Ianigenes), Mizraim and
Lehabim travelled through France on their way towards Spain (where in France one
Celtic King Lucus then ruled, who was the son of Bardus II, the son of Longho,
the son of Bardus I, the son of Drÿus, the son of aforementioned Sarron ‘The
With the aid of his Lybian regent Gerion Asex (Aureo, Auro, Aureus, Chryseos, Deabus
– son of Hiarba the son of Hammon) from Lower Egypt ,
Mizraim defeated King Betus. This joint pincer-attack became known in Spanish
histories as the African invasion, recorded in Greek myth as the war with the
giants. In place of Betus, Mizraim allowed Gerion[86]
as Spain ’s
7th king to exploit its vast gold reserves[87] through
slavery. Mizraim and Lehabim, however, founded the city of Barcelona [88]
and then travelled to rule resplendently in the city of Argos ,
– where his wife Isis had spent her childhood. About this time, Tnephachthus
(Technatis) the petty king ruling over the Saite Nome of Egypt died and his son
(Bakhor, Pehor, Rathos, Rathosis, Rhemphis, Rhampsinitus, Amasis, Asychis, Amenemhet
III, Amos, Thummosis, Bakenranef, Wahkare, Lord of the Two Lands) was
established as Pharaoh. He ruled in greed and heavy taxation for 6 years,
acquiring the delta city of Tanis , before his entire
army (and his personal horse) were destroyed in the Red
Sea and he was captured by Sabacon (Sabacos, Shabaka, Aktisanes) the
From the Exodus to the First
Trojan War: 1533 – 1180 BC
In 1533BC, the 4th
year of Belochus the 13th king of Babylon [90], the
children of Israel
(a.k.a. Jacob) were freed by God, under the leadership of Moses (born in 1613BC),
from Egyptian bondage after 400 years of hard oppression under petty satraps of
Ham, Dionysius and Mizraim[91]. After
Pharaoh Bocchoris (whose large mud-straw-brick pyramid now stands near Huwara -
next to the buried Labyrinth and ancient lake Moeris), his blind sister Anysis
ruled Egypt for 2 years. After the 1st month of innundation,
however, Sabacon burnt his captive Bocchoris alive and invaded Lower Egypt from
Ethiopia .
He ruled here over the Saite Nome[92] until
an oracle spoke of Mizraim’s return from Argos –
at which point he quietly (and wisely) left for Ethiopia . 24 years after the Exodus,
Gerion died and his three giant sons, the Lomnimi, succeeded in 8th
succession as joint commanders of Spain . After some 35 years of rule
in Arges (Argos ) of Peloponnese, i.e. the year
1502BC, Mizraim (Armais) returned to Lower Egypt
with great fame and built stone obelisks in commemoration of his many exploits
abroad[93]. All,
however, did not bode well, because his brother Typhon (Set) had also returned
from Turkey
to ‘recover his stolen kingdom’ and was still jealously scheming revenge for
his humiliating past defeat. It seems probable that Typhon secretly conspired
with the Lomnimi and many other begrudging and jealous rulers (including his
infamous sons) to make Mizraim’s planned assassination look like an accident. In
1502, when Mizraim left Argos for Egypt, Baleus (Tmolus, Timolus, Tipheus)
usurped the throne of Mansia (Western Anatolia) from king Belochus (Cambletes, Camboblascon) the
grandson of Balaneus (Alcymus, Altheus) and married Omphale the daughter of prince Ophren (Epher,
Afran, Atlas Kittim, Dardanus Jardanes, Iardanus). During the reign of this
Baleus (Tmolus) as the 11th High King (or 14th numbered from
Noah), Typhon and his conspirators struck in Egypt . In the year 1469 BC they
lured Mizraim into an ostensibly ‘accidental’ encounter with a hippopotamus[94]
and he soon died from a wound inflicted by the animal[95]. His
body was then cut into 26 pieces and distributed secretly as a trophy. At this
time, Rollin[96] affirms
that great chaos and anarchy swept across the whole of Egypt for 2
years as the Ethiopians invaded their land. Outraged, heartbroken, and mentally
unstable, Isis the Queen of Egypt called a
council and commanded all her kin to avenge her husband’s murder. In Greece , Lehabim (Hercules, Tantalus) together
with the great men in his command, appointed Pelops his son as regent, ordered
the building of the ship Argo and immediately made war on Typhon and his
associates in Arabia , defeating them at personal
cost to his army. His anger still unabated, he then ventured on a long journey
of conquest to defeat the conspirators wherever he could find them. In place of
his dead father and unstable mother, he established in Egypt 12 trusted and proven chiefs
– who ruled 36 Egyptian Nomes and met in the 12 great halls of the Labyrinth[97]. These
12 chiefs each spoke a different language, and each had authority over a
different language group[98]. One
of these chiefs was eventually the Semitic Amenophis (Amenophthis, Memnon, Munon, Mennon) son
of Thithonus, who was the son of Laomedon of Illion (Troy II-VI). In his days,
many lepers were expelled from Egypt
into the eastern quarries – but they rebelled forming a covenant with the Israelites
in Jerusalem .
Finally, to placate the large hoard of Israelites and lepers, he gave them the
city of Avaris (Saba ),
from where they had previously fled many years before[99]. Amenophis died trying to aid the Trojans in the first Trojan war of 1180 BC and was succeeded
by Acherrhes (Akenchres, Ketna, Ketes, Proteus, Chennus, Mycerinus, Men-ka-ra,
Menkaure, Kephren) Lehabim’s daughter, who ruled as queen for 12 years.
Meanwhile, Lehabim’s first victory after Arabia
(approx. 1465BC) was gained in Phoenicia
(Canaan ) over Busiris the Younger. Then in
1454BC he besieged Baleus (Tmolus, Timolus, Tipheus) of Mansia in Lydia
(Turkey) and four years later, upon victory, married Omphale the despot’s
former slave wife. With Omphale as Queen-regent of Lydia , he crowned their newborn son
– Altades (Athus the Great) as king and added Ophren (Atlas Kittim, Epher,
Japhran, Afran, Iardanus, Dardanus) the Queen’s father, to his chief army captains - together with Hespanus, Ophren's elder brother.
Still intent on avenging the death of his own father, he mounted an expedition
to Crete (where under the alias of Theseus he vanquished King Mylinus – the
‘Minotaur’) before returning once again to the ‘Isle of the Blessed’ in Phutea (north-west
Africa or Morocco )
which he renamed Lybia after his own name[100].
Here, he erected a column (possibly known today as ‘El Uted’ or ‘The Pointer’
which sits as a tall stone in the megalithic tumulus of Msoura or Mezorah). From
Mezorah in Morocco, which was in those days a verdant island-garden-sanctuary full
of quince fruit, 10 kilometres upriver from the sea-port of Lixus (Maqom Semes,
‘City of the Sun’) (Temple, 2011, pp. 375-434), he passed across the Straits of
Gibraltar and on into Spain .
Once landed, he single-handedly defeated the Three Gerions (Lomnimi) in combat
(1445BC) and appointed Hispalus (Hispal, Hispalis of Seville) his son as 9th
King (from Tubal), who ruled Spain
for 17 years. During this interim, Lehabim immediately travelled to Samothea
(France/Britain) for 19 years, where he married Galathea the daughter of King
Jupiter Celtes (son of aforementioned Lucus) and had a son called Galates (born
1442BC). After warring with Albion (Maroticus) and Bergion[101] on
the banks of the Rhine in France, and their brother Lestrigo across in Italy
for a further 10 difficult years (until 1432BC), Lehabim finally had 20 years
of peace in Italy – during which time he appointed Galates as the King of
Samothea (France/Britain) and Tuscus as the King of Italy in a ceremony held in Viterbo (Vetulonia)[102].
Lehabim left Tuscus in Italy
in 1386BC and returned to Spain
in old age (where he was revered as the god Melqart[103]
of the Phoenicians). There, since his son Hispalus had died, he began ruling jointly
with his captain Hespanus (Isius, Jasius)(the 10th king of Spain ) for 13
years (until 1373BC). He then became sole ruler for a further 19 years. Meanwhile,
the Samothean (French) line of Lehabim’s dynastic rule continued after Galates:
Harbon, Lugdus (who founded Lyon in the 14th
year of Aschalius of Babylon i.e. 1371BC) and Beligius, whose rule was followed
by Hespanus (Iasius, Jasius)[104].
Lehabim’s death in Spain [105] in
1354BC, aged 350 years old, was greeted with great mourning and sadness, since
he is believed to have committed suicide due to his blindness. The huge army in
Spain, then led by Lehabim’s generals king Hespanus (Iasius, Jasius, Hesperus, Ephas, Ephah,
Apher) and aforementioned Ophren[106]
(Atlas Kittim, Epher, Japhran, Afran, Iardanus, Dardanus) his younger brother, honoured
their great leader by building a temple in Gadir and an enormous circular megalithic
tumulus[107] for
him on an island (now Mezorah of Morocco), below the Straits of Gibraltar,
where Lehabim had many years previously set up his pillar to show the extent of
his travels (and which still stands in relative obscurity near the city of
Lixus). This circular island became known to Pliny (the 1st century
A.D. historian) as the gardens of the Hesperides because the daughters of Atlas
were known as Hesperides (the wives of Hesperus?). The site was also known as
the ‘Pillars of Hercules ’ for many years,
before they were conflated with two mountains on the Straits[108].
After the death of Lehabim, his generals Hespanus and Ophren soon took up residence in Corythus in Italy where because of his popularity Hespanus became the envy of Ophren. They fell into a family
quarrel[109] (possibly Ophren had an affair with Cybele who was Hespanus' wife - because she absconded with him) and
their great army dispersed because of the confounding internal power struggle.
Many became nomads wandering in Africa , while
others lived under the hulls of their ships.[110]
Some may have even passed across the Atlantic
via the Canary current to found the ancient Olmec civilisation of Meso-America,
which also worshipped the sun god (Lehabim) (Heyerdahl, 1978). The seat of Egypt ’s highest throne remained in Greece , where
Pelops retained the royal sceptre or caduceus[111].
In 1345BC, after the
death of his elder brother Hespanus in Italy and during the reign of Allobrox of France, Ophren (Dardanus) sailed with Cybele - via
the Island of Samothráki - to Phrygia (Turkey) where he was given permission
from King Athus (Xanthos, Scamander) to build a city. He called it Dardania
(known in archaeology as Troy
I). The elders (Kings of Troy) followed in succession to the throne: Erichthonius,
Tros (from whom the Trojans took their name), Ilus (who called Dardania Ilion),
Laomedon (who built Troy II-VI and whose tomb is still supposedly intact under
the great gate Scea) and Priam who was killed an old man in the Trojan War of 874-864BC. The
earliest kings of the Anglo-Saxons may be traced back to Shem, who was the
ancestor via Amenophis, Amenoph, Memnon, Munon (one of the 12 chiefs of Lehabim),
who in his old age married Troan (Priam’s daughter), from which marriage came Tror
and his descendents Loridi, Einridi, Vingethor, Vingener, Moda, Magi and Sceaf
(Seskef, Scyf, Seth, Scef) (approx. 720 BC). Later, Sceaf’s distant descendent Woden
(Wodden, UUoden, Voden, UUothen, Othin) (approx. 60BC) was born, from whence
arose the House of Wessex and many other modern dynasties[112].
By 1180BC, the city
of Troy , based upon the 12 magisterial sectors
renowned in Egypt ’s
Labyrinth, was known for great stature and wealth. However all that was to change
with the arrival of Hercules the Grecian. Historians record that Isis, the
Mother of Lehabim, was still alive at the time of the first sacking of Iliion –
dying 40 years after the destruction of the city at 615 years old! (1140-39BC).
Her funeral must then have taken place in the reign of Belochus (Belimus,
Beleoun, Sardanapalus) the 23rd (and last) Monarch of the Hamitic Assyrian
Empire who burnt himself to death and was succeeded by Arbaces the Mede[113],
at a time synchronous with Elon’s judgeship of the children of Israel (Austin ,
2008b). Isis was the last of those renowned
ancients who were ignorantly deified and worshipped as ‘immortals’. Eleven
hundred and thirty-five years later (5BC), though, life and immortality was
brought to light through the Lord Jesus Christ, who in rising from the dead began
the new creation!
The great Reformer
Martin Luther was a well read scholar and to dismiss his overall understanding
of ancient history as a complete fabrication requires compelling evidence. Such
compelling evidence is non-existent to the best knowledge of this author. Despite
some major discrepancies in BC dates and some serious conflation of names in
Nanni, our confluence of classical, ancient and modern witnesses all attest the
same general flow of international events as has just been synthesised. In
places, fragments from authentic chroniclers (still extant) support Lynche’s
claims – suggesting Giovanni Nanni did not
necessarily fabricate or doctor his data. In other places, our more robust
chronology of Babylonian monarchs together with the reasonably assumed
longevity of Ham’s line allows us to confirm
Polemo’s ancient claim that Mizraim (or Apis, Jupiter Ammon) was the ‘High
King’ of the Israelite Oppression (and of the Exodus). Therefore, it is safe to
say that Dr Martin Luther and his contemporaries, who believed much of Nanni’s Berosus
to be genuine history, were probably correct in their judgement. In this paper,
Frere, Prestwich, Evans and Darwin have been thoroughly refuted – for they
cannot accommodate a global flood in 2610BC. Furthermore, Nanni’s history has
been substantially verified by both authentic classical sources and modern
archaeology. It almost goes without saying that if this is confirmed by further
investigations, our modern interpretations of history will need to be
significantly revised[114].
As a final thought,
the ‘Great Dark Age’ we have here been reconstructing (from the Old Testament and
many authentic sources) is contradicted by at least two streams of modern scholarship.
First, ‘alternative historians’ or ‘cult archaeologists’ are forever plugging
dates for chronologies which disregard God’s book of sacred history and the
chronology we derive from it. Their estimates for a ‘lost civilisation’ range
from 15,000 to 10,000BC. Although valuable in places, their overall theses
cannot be correct in the slightest. Secondly, the theses of ‘mainstream’ academic
historians are just as dubious – since they have no qualms about glossing over all
the ample evidence for a global cataclysm and subsequent global repopulation with
a geologically uneventful Holocene epoch in the Upper
Palaeolithic ! From this ‘mainstream’ stance, not only is it
impossible to explain why so many ancient cultures contain historical
references to the global cataclysm, Noah, and his subsequent descendants; it is
equally impossible to explain why human populations were so stunted during the
700,000 (!) years that we are supposed to have been the most capable species on
this planet[115]. Where
are the remains of their technology? Why did they remain on the verge of
extinction for so long? Books on human ‘deep history’ are currently attempting
to patch up these gaping holes in the speculative world of the secular ancient
past - and modern Christians are in danger of forgetting what heritage we have
left from the Reformation period histories that have been so heavily neglected
by archaeologists.
In response to these
mild criticisms, many might reply that ‘giants’ with life-spans measured in
centuries of years and a strict adherence to ‘ancient Hebrew folk-lore’ do not
constitute a credible alternative to the hard archaeological data behind modern
scholarship. Christian readers should therefore be left with a great challenge
– if we do not academically overcome the incredulous spirit of our age
regarding biblical history, how may we be said to be following the injunctions
to be transformed by the renewing of our minds and always ready to give an answer
for the hope within us? In these our days, surrounded by so much wilful
ignorance and misinformation, we must
recover a robust concept of creation history and make a stand for God’s
Holy Word, just as Dr Luther did in his!
Austin, D. (2008a). Is Darius, the King of Ezra 6:14-15, the
Same King as the Artaxerxes of Ezra 7:1? Journal
of Creation 22(2): 46-52.
Austin, D. (2008b). Three Chronological Periods of the Old
Testament. Journal of Creation 22(3):
Austin, D. (2011). Synchronisation of the divided kingdoms of
Judah and Israel . Journal of Creation 25(2): 67-73.
Bowden, M. (1998). True
Science Agrees with the Bible. Kent : Sovereign Publications, pp.
Fasold, D. (1988). The Ark of Noah. New York : Knightsbridge
Publishing Company.
Inc. Book Sales. (2002). The
Timechart of Biblical History. USA : Chartwell Books Inc.
Jones, F.N. (2005). The
Chronology of the Old Testament. USA : Master Books.
Knight, C. and Butler ,
A. (2011). Before the Pyramids. London : Watkins
Lynche, R. (1601). An
Historical Treatise of the Travels of Noah into Europe .
Available online at: [WWW]
(Accessed on 14/06/11). Also see a modern English translation by Argyros
Argyrou: [WWW]
Mauro, P. (2001). The
Wonders of Bible Chronology. Virginia :
Hess Publications.
Menzies, G. (2011). The
Lost Empire of Atlantis: History’s Greatest Mystery Revealed. London : Swordfish.
Niessen, R. (1982). A Biblical Approach to Dating the Earth:
a Case for the use of Genesis 5 and 11 as an exact chronology. Creation Research Society Quarterly,
Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 60-66.
Nissen, H. (Trans. Skondin, T.) (2004). Noah’s Ark
Uncovered: An expedition into the ancient past. Copenhagen :
Scandinavia .
Patten, D. (1981). The Longevity Accounts in Ancient History.
Creation Research Society Quarterly,
Vol. 19, No 1. pp. 40-52.
Robinson, S. (1999). Genealogy is not Chronology. Origins, No. 26. Rugby :
The Biblical Creation Society, pp. 15-21.
Siculus, D. (c. 35 B.C.). Bibliotheca historica or Library of
History. Available Online at:
(Accessed on 21/07/11).
Rohl, D. (2008). The Lords of Avaris. London: Arrow Books.
Rohl, D. (2008). The Lords of Avaris. London: Arrow Books.
Rudgley, R. (1998).
Lost Civilisations of the Stone Age. London :
Arrow Books, p. 28.
Setterfield, B. (1999). Ancient Chronology in Scripture.
(Accessed on 17/10/11).
Stringer, C. (2006). Homo
Britannicus: The Incredible Story of Human Life in Britain . London : Penguin Books.
Ussher, J. (1658 trans. 2003). The Annals of the World. USA : Master Books.
Viccary, M. (2007). Biblical Chronology – Our Times are in
His Hands. Journal of Creation 21(1):
Further Reading :
The best resources on world history from a biblical
perspective are:
Ashton, J. and Down, D. (2006). Unwrapping the Pharaohs. USA : Master Books.
Burgess, S. (2004). The
Origin of Man. Leominster :
Day One Publications.
Chittick, D. (2006). The
Puzzle of Ancient Man. USA :
Creation Compass.
Cooper, B. (1995). After
the Flood: The Early Post-Flood History of Europe
Traced Back to Noah. Sussex :
New Wine Press.
Eusebius of Caesarea . (c.
335). Chronicle (Trans. from
classical Armenian). Available online at: [WWW] (Accessed on 20/08/11).
Gascoigne, M. (2002). Forgotten
History of the Western People: From the Earliest Origin. Camberley: Anno
Mundi Books.
Hoeh, H.L. (1967 and 1969) Compendium of World History. Volumes 1 and 2. Online: [WWW]
(Volume 1: (Volume 2:
Hoerth, A.J. (1998). Archaeology
& The Old Testament. USA :
Baker Academic.
Jerome (a.k.a. Sophronius
Eusebius Hieronymus) (c. 380). Chronicle.
Available oneline at: [WWW]
(Accessed on 18/08/11).
Oard, M. (2004). Frozen
in time: The Woolly Mammoth, the Ice Age and the Bible. USA : Master
Snelling, A. (2009). Earth’s
Catastrophic Past: Geology, Creation and the Flood. Volumes 1 and 2. USA :
Institute for Creation Research.
Thong, C. and Fu, C. (2009). Finding God in Ancient China .
Grand Rapids :
Useful sources used to a greater or lesser extent in
constructing this history were:
Armour, R.A. (1992). Gods
and Myths of Ancient Egypt .
Cairo : The American
University in Cairo Press.
Bayle, P. (1737). The
Dictionary Historical and Critical of Mr. Peter Bayle. Volume 4. London : J.J. and P.
Knapton. (Available on Google Book Search).
Bimson, J. (2003). (When)
Did it Happen? New Contexts for Old Testament History. Cambridge : Grove Books Ltd.
Blum, H. (1998). The
Gold of Exodus: The Discovery of the Most Sacred Place on Earth. London : Hodder and Stoughton .
Cawley, C. (2011). Medieval Lands ,
France , Gascony , Sires d'Albret. Chapter 1, C.
(2) available at [WWW],%20SALUZZO,%20SAVONA.htm
(Accessed on 16/04/12) from the Foundation for Medieval
Clayton, R. (1753). A
Vindication of the Histories of the Old and New Testament. Volume 1. London : W. Bowyer.
(Available via Google Book Search).
Cory, P. and Hodges, E.R. (1876 ed., republished 2003). Cory’s Ancient Fragments of the Phoenician,
Carthaginian, Babylonian, Egyptian and Other Writers. USA : Kessinger
Cuncliffe, B. (2008). Europe Between the Oceans: Themes and Variations: 9000 BC – AD 1000. London : Yale
University Press.
Danielsson, O. (1992). Annius of Viterbo and the Swedish Historiographical Philosophy of the
Sixteen and Seventeenth Centuries. Germany :
Uppsala University Press. (German Text Only).
Davidson, P. (2011). Atlas
of Empires. London : New Holland Publishers.
Farrer, J.A. (1907). Literary
Forgeries. London .
Available for free download online.
Grafton, A. (1991). Defenders
of the Text: The Traditions of Scholarship in an Age of Science, 1450-1800.
London : Harvard University
Herodotus, (Translated 1998, 2008). The Histories. Oxford : Oxford
University Press.
Heyerdahl, T. (1978). Early
Man and the Ocean: the beginning of navigation and seaborn civilizations. London : George Allen
& Unwin Ltd.
Jackson, P. W. (2006). The
Chronologers’ Quest: The Search for the Age of the Earth. Cambridge :
Cambridge University Press.
James, P. (1991). Centuries
of Darkness. London :
James, P. (1995). The
Sunken Kingdom: The Atlantis Mystery Solved. London :
Jonathan Cape .
John, R.T. (1994). Fictive
Ancient History and National Consciousness in Early Modern Europe :
The Influence of Annius of Viterbo’s Antiquitates. London :
Warburg Institute, University
of London .
Johnson, K. (2010). Ancient
Post-Flood History.
Kitchen, K.A. (2003). On
the Reliability of the Old Testament. Cambridge :
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
Leston, S. (2011). The
Bible in World History. Ohio :
Barbour Publishing.
Ligota, C.R. (1987). Annius of Viterbo and Historical Method. Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld
Institutes, The Warburg Institute, Vol. 50, pp. 44-56.
Marinatos, N. (2010). Minoan
Kingship and the Solar Goddess: A Near Eastern Koine. Urbana ,
Chicago and Springfield :
University of Illinois Press.
McCants, W.F. (2012). Founding
Gods, Inventing Nations: Conquest and Culture Myths from Antiquity to Islam.
Princeton and Oxford : Princeton University
Minge, B. (2007). ‘Short’ sojourn
comes up short? Journal of Creation
21(3): 63.
Morris, H. (1966). World Population and Bible Chronology. Creation Research Society Quarterly.
Vol. 3(3). pp. 7-10.
Newgrosh, B. (2007). Chronology
at the Crossroads: The Late Bronze Age in Western Asia .
Leicester : Matador.
Palmer, T. (2003). Perilous
Planet Earth: Catastrophes and Catastrophism Through the Ages. Cambridge : Cambridge
University Press.
Parry, G. (2001). Berosus and the Protestants: Reconstructing
Protestant Myth. Huntington Library Quarterly, University of California
Press, Vol. 64, No. 1/2, pp. 1-21.
Renfrew, C. (1976). Before
Civilization. Middlesex: Penguin Books Ltd.
Roberts, J.M. (1993). History
of the World. Oxford : Helicon
Shryock, A. and Smail, D.L. (2011). Deep History: The Architecture of Past and Present. Berkeley : University
of California Press.
Shuckford, S. (1824). The
Sacred and Profane History of the World, Connected… Philadelphia : William W. Woodward. (Available
free from Google Books Reader).
Stephens, W. (1989). Giants in those Days: Folklore, Ancient
History, and Nationalism. Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press.
Stephens, W. (2004). When Pope Noah Ruled the Etruscans:
Annius of Viterbo and His Forged “Antiquities”. MLN, The Johns
Hopkins University
Press, Vol. 119, No. 1, Italian Issue Supplement: Studia Humanitatis: Essays in
Honor of Salvatore Camporeale, pp. S201-S223.
Wiener, L. (2012, originally 1920). Contributions toward a History of Arabico-Gothic Culture. Volume III:
Tacitus’ Germania and other Forgeries.
Forgotten Books.
Willis, R. (ed.). (1993). World
Mythology: The Illustrated Guide. London :
BCA via Duncan Baird Publishers.
Figure 1: The Kings of Babylon
from Noah to Nebuchadnezzar II or ’42 ages’
Figure 2: ‘De Ortu Regum Anglie’ King List from the
Oxford Bodleian Library, MS Wood, The Great
Chartulary of Glastonbury ,
written approx. AD 1340
Figure 3: The Sacred Mountain
or Twin Peaks – Yigityatagi – with Ark
remnants in foreground (after Nissen, 2004)
Figure 4: The
Egyptian Lehabim (Hercules) together with club and the circular Spanish tomb
built for him near Lixus in Morocco
(found in Cancho Roano , Spain ). The circular glyph is not a
warrior’s shield but a rendition of Mezorah in Morocco ,
the island of Atlantis . This ancient Spanish glyph
corroborates Giovanni Nanni’s history.
Figure 5: Hercules
Inscription at Ciutat Vella, Barcelona , Catalonia : See Endnote 86. The second line from
the top contains evidence that Nanni did not invent his claim.
Table 1: Revisions to Synchronisms with Assyria
Suggested Revisions to Conventional Dates for Old Testament Synchronisms
of Sardanapalus (Belochus) to Arbaces the Mede
of Judah/Sennacherib invades
of Nineveh/King Saraco (to General Narbopolassar)
killed by Pharaoh Necho of
Reigns in the 4th Year of
and in
the army of Pharaoh Necho
(Babylonians) sacks
Table 2: Major Periods
- Anno Mundi or ‘The Year of the
1) Creation to the Cataclysm
AM 1-1656
1,656 years
2) Cataclysm to Promise to Abraham in
AM 1656-2088
432 years
3) Promise to Abraham to the confirmation of said promise
to Jacob
AM 2088-2303
215 years
4) Confirmation of covenant to the law (Ten Commandments)
AM 2303-2733
430 years
5) Law to the building of Solomon’s
AM 2733-3327
594 years
AM 3327-3759
432 years
7) Fall of
AM 3759-3809
50 years
8) Restoration to Christ’s birth
AM 3809-4266
457 years
Table 3: Near Eastern
Gods from Marinatos, (2010:192), identified after her cryptographic methods
Table 4: Hesiod’s ‘5 Ages of Man’ Revised –
according to Nanni’s fragments of Berosus
Name of High Monarch:
Regnal Year BC
R.Y. Ended BC
Comments, inc. Ages of Man
1. Noah
Golden Age
2. Ham, Belus
Good climate
4. Nimrod (Saturn)
Great longevity > 600 years
5. Jupiter Belus
Relative peace – single combat resolution
Belus was a prince of study, inventor of the
Chaldean astronomy (Pliny)
6. Nynas
Established the Assyrian Empire by subjugating
7. Semyramis I (Queen)
Osyris and Isis born (approx)
Semyramis removed her court from
8. Ninyas
Agriculture taught by Osyris (Mizraim)
9. Arius, Agron in Herodotus (Histories 1.7)
Silver Age
Death of Ham (Pan).
One line of Heraclidae (or Lydian
Royals) begin here for 22 generations - see Rohl (2008) and Herodotus
10. Aralius, Amyrus, Altheus? (1st generation)
Large-scale warfare begins
11. Balaneus, Balaeus, Xerxes, Alcymus, Alcaeus, Alciamus, Adrysus, Cleolaus, Lemnos, Agelaus, Blascon? (2nd gen.) son of Lehabim -
100 year human ‘motherhood’ before adulthood begins
12. Armatritis, Adramytis, Armamithres, Armamitres (3)
13. Belochus, Cambletes, Camboblascon? (4)
Belochus probably married Electra a descendant of Gomer.
He was usurped by Baleus. |
14. Baleus, Balaeus, Tipheus (5)
Mizraim Assassinated by brother Typhon during this reign
15. Altades, Athus, Sethos, Zaztagus, Altallus, Altadas (6)
Lehabim/Hercules regains Lydia/Sardis and puts his son Altades on the throne
16. Mamythus, Mamynthus (7)
17. Aschalius, Macchaleus, Magchaleus (8)
Death of Lehabim in Spain/Morocco
18. Sphaerus (9)
Bronze Age
19. Mamylus (10)
20. Sparaethus, Spartheus, Spareus, Sparetus (11)
21. Ascatades, Dercetades (12)
Aka Dercatades/Dercetidis – the Father of Queen Attosa/Semyramis
according to Ussher (Vol. 1, 363, pg 54)
22. Amyntes (13)
23. Belochus, Belimus, Beleoun, Sardanapalus (14)
Assyrian/Pelasgian male line fails after 1343 yrs.
Sardanapalus commits suicide by burning his palace down
Trojan War with Hercules the Grecian.
24. Attosa, Tratre, Ak'urartist, Semyramis II (15)
Queen marries the royal gardener called Belesius or Beletares
25. Beletares, Balatores, Belesius, Narbonassarus, Nabu-nasir, Nebo-adon-Assur, Naminybrus, Nebuchadnezzar (16), previously Bostangi bachi (chief of the gardens)
Heroic Age
Nebuchadnezzar I, satrap of Arbaces, marries Attosa
and builds Bronze gates around
26. Lamprides (17)
Men were prone to warfare
27. Sosares (18)
28. Lampares (19)
29. Panyas, Pannyas, Pannias (20)
30. Sosarmus (21)
Median king in Eusebius
31. Mithraeus, Myrsus in
Herodotus (22)
This line of Heraclidae end with Candaules, son of Myrsus. "[Cephalion]
says that 1000 years had elapsed from Semiramis to King Mitraeus” (Eusebius). This statement only makes sense if we take that as Semiramis I.
32. Teutamus, Tudhaliya IV in Rohl (2008)
Hittites invade
33. Teutaeus, Telepinu(sh) in Rohl (2008)
Repels Achilles (possibly Asa of Judah - who had diseased feet). Teutaeus aids Troy VII but fails
34. Thinaeus, Theneus
Dorian Invasion of the
35. Dercylus, Deioces
(Mede), Derusus
Iron Age
36. Empacmes, Eupalmes
37. Laosthenes
Men warlike, greedy and impious
38. Pertiades, Peritiades
Navigation and mining commonplace
39. Ophrataeus, Phraortes (Mede)
40. Ephecheres
41. Acraganes, Anakyndaraxes, Acrazanes, Cyaxares, Anabaxares, Ocrazapes, Cindaraxes, Chyniladon, Saracus, Sineladanos, Kinelanadan, Kandalanu, Merodachbaladan, Ben Merodach, Pul (the Mede)
Fought against Cyrus I and his own General Narbopolassar
42. Thonos Concolerus, Narbopolassar, Alyattes
T.C. was General Narbopolassar
43. Nebuchadnezzar II
Builds further upon the work of Sennacherib - establishing the
Figure 6: Synchronisms between Israel , Judah ,
and Assyria/Anatolia/Greece
Figure 7: Samothean King List
Samothea: 0. Japhet - 1. Samothes Dis - 2. Magus - 3. Sarronius - 4. Druiyus - 5. Bardus - 6. Longho - 7. Bardus Junior - 8. Lucus - 9. Jupiter Celtes - 10. Hercules (Lehabim) - 11. Galates - 12. Harbon - 13. Lugdus - 14. Beligius - 15. Iasius - 16. Allobrox - 17. Romus - 18. Paris - 19. Lemanus - 20. Olbius - 21. Galates II - 22. Nannes - 23. Remis - 24. Francus - 25. Pictus
Endnotes or Commentary
on the Chronology:
[1] The
covenant made with Abraham involved God telling him what would happen to his
descendants (the children of Israel or Jacob) after his own death (cf. Genesis 15:13-14) in a land (singular) not
theirs. It did not pertain to Isaac in Canaan ,
when Abraham was still alive. Isaac was forbidden to enter Egypt (Gen.
26:2). Moreover, God describes a period of 400 years of affliction (not an
approximate number standing for 430 but an exact number cf. Acts 7:6-7) after
which time the Egyptian nation whom
they serve shall be judged and then
they shall ‘come out with great
possession’. Note that if Egypt
and Canaan are meant here (as the LXX
has it), then this phrase ‘shall come out’ would be erroneous – because with
that reading they were still in the land of affliction in Canaan where they fled. To maintain biblical truth, we must hold to a long dwelling in Egypt . How
then, do we explain the period of Galatians 3:17? We have to understand that
the covenant was only given to
Abraham and then afterward confirmed
in 1963 B.C. (as a statute in Christ) to Jacob on the very night before he entered Egypt to visit Joseph (cf.
Genesis 12:4, Gen. 15:13, Gen. 46:2-7, Exodus 12:41, Psalm 105:10-11, Acts
7:6). This explains why Exodus 12:41 notes it was 430 years to the very day that the children of Israel left Egypt . Another line of evidence is
that careful Scriptural study cannot
establish that Judah ’s
genealogy supports a 215 year sojourn. It simply cannot be maintained that the
Hur of 1 Chron. 2:19 and 2:50 (who are actually both the same person) was the
same Hur who married Miriam the sister of Moses and Aaron. The alleged linkage
is too weak, since both Ruben and Judah both had sons called Hezron – and since
Caleb the son of Jephunneh the Kenezite (Joshua 14:6) can hardly also be the son of Hezron! (1 Chron.
2:18). The chronologies do not give birth/death ages in these particular
sections and so cannot be treated as exact as some would wish. The final line
of evidence comes from the fact that the ancestry of Moses’ family in Exodus
6:16-20 is modestly abridged to tribe, clan and family (Minge, 2007:63). The
‘fourth generation’ return mentioned in Gen. 15:16 denotes a generation from
Abraham’s perspective (i.e. about 100 years). In fact, there were eleven
generations (of about 40 years) from Joseph to Joshua (1 Chron. 7:22-27) and
eleven generations from Jacob to Elkanah (1 Chron. 6:33-38) in the genealogy of
Heman, both consistent with the long sojourn period.
[2] Austin (2008:52) includes
the 480 years of 1 Kings 6:1 as ‘Period 3a’ of his ‘Table 1’. Biblically, it
can be proven that another 114 years of servitude ‘in metaphorical Egypt ’ (‘Period
3b’) are necessary to do justice to Luke’s summary of this period in Acts 13.
If the years of usurpation and servitude are totalled in this period they come
to exactly 114 years. Therefore as Setterfield (1999) points out, the ‘Omission
principle’, found elsewhere in Scripture, is also at work in this verse of 1
[3] Although
I knew of works by Edumnd Thiele and Prof. Kenneth Kitchen I also knew from
Larry Pierce that Thiele had significant errors in his chronology where he had
altered Scripture to accommodate archaeological discoveries. Kitchen, I had
already discovered in James’s critique (1991:222), held to the high dynastic
chronology of Egypt, which I knew for sure was spurious given the no-gaps
chronologies of the Masoretic text (Genesis 5 and 11). Therefore I chose my
sources carefully from those who held Scripture as their highest and best
authority in chronological data.
[4] The 42nd
ruler, Thonos Concoleros, is called ‘Sardanapalus’ by Alexander Polyhistor as
quoted by Eusebius (The Chaldean Chronicle,
9: From the same Alexander [Polyhistor] on the deeds and valor of Sennecherib
and Nebuchadnezzar). He can therefore be equated with Narbopolassar the
father of Nebuchadnezzar II (who conquered Jerusalem in 506BC).
[5] This
figure of precisely 42 previous Monarchs is given strong archaeological support
from Nebuchadnezzar II’s own “Borsippa Inscription”, which says of the Tower of
Babel: “A former king built it (they reckon forty-two ages ago), but he did not
complete its head. Since a remote time people had abandoned it, without order
expressing their words. Since that time the earthquake and the thunder has
dispersed its sun-dried clay; the bricks of the casing had been split, and the
earth of the interior had been scattered in heaps. Merodach, the great lord,
excited my mind to repair this building. I did not change the site, nor did I
take away the foundation stone. … As it had been in former times, so I founded,
I made it; as it had been in ancient days, so I exalted its summit.” Smith’s
Bible Dictionary quoted in Inc. Book Sales (2002). This 'Borsippa Inscription' found on the base of a ziggurat was translated by a Professor Oppert, but later included with a new translation in the book: 'Travels and Researches in Chaldea and Sinai (London: James Nisbet, 1857) by William Kennett Loftus. It mentions the restoration of the Tower of Babel. You can see Nebuchadnezzar's other inscription of the Tower of Babel here: . What is truly remarkable, in our opinion, is that Nebuchadnezzar refers to "they reckon 42 ages ago". Who are "they" in the context of this inscription? It seems clear he must be referring to the priests or scholarly record keepers of Babylon itself. This is powerful independent confirmation that Nanni was using a genuine copy of Berosus the Chaldean Priest as a source, because without knowledge of Nebuchadnezzar's inscription (found long afterward), he still takes us back precisely 5 further rulers in his king list to Noah - i.e. from 37 'ages' (as recorded in Eusebius and St Jerome) to 42 'ages' as mentioned by Nebuchadnezzar himself regarding the Tower of Babel! I have not even begun to
enter the debate surrounding the Assyrian Eponym lists, however scholars are
beginning to realise that astronomical data used to ‘lock’ key chronological
dates are actually quite unreliable (see Newgrosh, 2007).
[6] This
unbroken list of rulers of the city of Babylon
was obtained through a synthesis of king lists: Lynche (1601), who gives – with
a few exceptions - the first 14 rulers; together with Diodorus Siculus,
Eusebius and St. Jerome who provide all those upto Thonos Concolerus
(Sardanapalus) the 42nd ruler. It is noteworthy that in antiquity
there were believed to have been four ‘Ages’ – Golden, Silver, Bronze and Iron.
Eusebius and Jerome, following Ctesias and Berosus, begin their king list from the mid-Golden Age with Nynas or Ninus II (the sixth ruler), son of Belus and
record Belochus as monarch number 18. The reigns that Nanni’s Berosus
enumerates (from the mid-Golden Age to the first Trojan War against Hercules the Grecian) are identical
in number – and again end with Belochus (their 18th and my 23rd)
– who was Sardanapallus (under whom the Assyrian Empire fell and the ‘Heroic Age’ began). Lynche takes us back to the start of the Golden Age five more
rulers - to Noah who established the Monarchy under Nimrod (according to
Lynche’s sources). It is also noteworthy that Jerome placed the 42nd
ruler (Belochus) in 830BC which suggests he conflated Belochus (the 23rd ruler
from Noah) with Thonos Concolerus the 42nd. Both these kings seem to
have had the name Sardanapalus, but the former burnt himself to death
(according to Diodorus) whereas the latter died naturally and was succeeded by
Nebuchadnezzar II his son. Out of all these 42 rulers, only a handful are
mentioned in Herodotus’ ‘The Histories’.
The second, Bel (or Ham who is Belus), is mentioned as having both a
‘sanctuary’ (i.e. the Tower of Babel ) and a gate in Babylon (Book 1: 181 and Book 3:158
respectively). The 24th, Semiramis II is mentioned as having a
Babylonian gate (Book 3:155). The 35th monarch - Deioces, and the 39th
Pharotes - his descendent – plus the 41st Cyaraxes are all mentioned
as Kings of the Medes, confirming Cephalion’s list of Median kings (found in
[7] For a
translation into modern English see: [WWW]
(Accessed on 17/06/12).
[8] Giants
are mentioned by Moses in Genesis 6:4. Lynche claims that Noah was a giant
himself, along with many of his descendants (especially in the line of Ham).
These giants are not of the fabulous sort (60 feet tall) but rather consistent
with physical limits i.e. 8-11 feet tall (as was Goliath of Gath). Temple (2011:203)
mentions that many Egyptian tombs are far larger than would be necessary for an
average sized body. Sesokhris (Khasekhem) was stated by Manetho to have been 5
cubits and 3 palms high, “…which would be about 8 English feet, if the short
cubit of 17.4 inches were used.” In fact, Manetho is probably referring to the
royal Egyptian cubit!
[9] These truths are often overlooked in most assessments
and reappraisals of ancient history, yet they have a truly revolutionary significance for scholarly research today. Long
virility coupled with longevity meant that Mizraim the son of Ham was 1st
generation post-flood - yet he was only born long after Abraham – the 10th generation from Shem, and
lived (because of his genetic inheritance) until well after the death of Moses! If we discount Lynche’s claim, for
instance, that Queen Isis (daughter of Ham and thus 1st generation
post-flood) lived from approx. 1755BC until 1140BC, some 615 years, we must
also discount the reputable Jewish historian Josephus who wrote: “Now I have
for witnesses to what I have said all those that have written Antiquities, both
among the Greeks and barbarians, for even Manetho, who wrote the Egyptian
history, and Berosus, who collected the Chaldean monuments, and Mochus, and
Hestiaeus, and beside these, Hieronymus, the Egyptian, and those who composed
the Phoenician history, agree with what I here say: Hesiod also and Hecataeus,
Hellanicus, and Acusilaus, and besides Ephorus and Nicolaus relate that the
ancients lived a thousand years; but as to these matters, let every one look
upon them as he thinks fit.” Patten (1981) comments that: “Josephus and his
colleagues had read widely throughout the antiquities of the Mediterranean
world, at that time under Rome .
His mind-set was based in part on the collage of ancient international sources
and their unanimity. There were no contradictions. The ancient longevity
accounts with which he was acquainted extended far beyond the borders of his
native Palestine .
His sources came from no less than three continents. Such sources, when in
unison, to Josephus far outweighed the contemporary rationalizations and
cynics, however reasonable and well-intentioned. His sources came from areas
which today include Africa, Asia and Europe […] one can sum up a total of 14 or
15 ancient sources, coming from three continents and at least 6 different
ancient languages. Of these ancient sources familiar to Josephus other than the
Biblical sources, only a few fragments and a few manuscripts survive. This may
be one reason why modern academia is less impressed with this ancient tradition
than was Josephus.” For more on this fascinating topic of longevity and its
consequences for ancient records see Shuckford, S. (1824:226-233).
[10] Briefly, we shall establish the authenticity of Giovanni
Nanni beyond reasonable doubt. First, let us consider the language that Nanni’s
Berosus was originally written in. Ligota (1987:56) notes that Nanni frequently
referred to Aramaic (ancient Hebrew/Arabic) words in Berosus and also suggests
that it was this language Berosus wrote in. Ligota’s suggestion logically
follows because Nanni obtained the fragments from two visiting Armenians of the
Domincan Order of Monks (or Friars) – (Master Mathias and Master Georgius
according to Farrer, 1907:76) – the latter of whom gave him the fragments as a
gift in Genoa .
The existence of this Master Georgius is no longer questioned, for it is
certain that both the monks visited Genoa in the Summer of 1474 or the Spring
of 1475 (Danielsson, O. (1992:10) and John, R.T. (1994:22)). That the Berosus fragments
were originally written in Aramaic (ancient Chaldean) is confirmed by William
Harrison in Parry (2001:11 – footnote 34) who revered the brevity of Nanni’s
Berosus as an example of “the auncient forme of writing used by
Antiquitie…untill the use of history came in place (or at lest was knowen among
the gentiles)”. Moreover, a Hebrew Berosus further elucidates Nanni’s comments
mentioned in Grafton (1991:90), namely that: “Annius could certainly borrow
some texts from his Armenian confreres and ask advice on Hebrew and Aramaic
from his Jewish friend the still unidentified ‘Samuel the Talmudist,’”. As
Wiener (2012:203) counters: “…obviously [this was] Samuel Zarfati, the court
physician of Alexander VI, a most learned Spanish Jew.” Therefore it is safe to
conclude that Nanni studied the Latin translation given him with aid from a
Jewish friend who knew Aramaic Hebrew. It is interesting that Nanni did not
know who had first translated the fragments and found them hard to understand –
making reference to “Berosus or his translator” (Ligota, 1987:55) in his
‘Commentaries” of 1498. This suggests the books were old when Nanni was first
given them (as Harrison in Parry (p.10)
comments: “thes bokes are at the lest 500 yeres olde…” [Parry adding] “for
Godfrey of Viterbo [AD1120-1196] knew them centuries before Annius”. (Parry
later states that Godfrey only mentions the genuine Berosus – but that remains
to be determined). Indeed, the wider story could be this: fragments
of the three authentic books of Aramaic Berosus had survived the fire at the
Library of Alexandria. Around AD378, a Spanish-born Bishop of Alexandria, named
Lucius Valerius, relocated to Samosata (modern Samsat in Adiyaman Province , Turkey )
with these various fragments, where he undertook a Latin recension into five
parts. We learn this much from The Chronicle of (Pseudo)-Dexter (this being the
disputed history chronicle of the bishop of Barcelona in Spain, Flavius Lucius
Dexter, the son of Pacianus, who flourished approx AD395 according to his
contemporary St. Jerome – see: Dexter’s work plus other
Spanish ecclesiastical chronicles were claimed to have been rediscovered by the
Jesuit J. Roman de la Higuera (1538-1611) in the library of the Benedictine Abbey
of Fulda in Germany .
If we take Dexter’s work as authentic and not a fabrication designed by
Higuera, it neatly explains why Nanni had five books of Berosus (rather than
the original three) given to him by Armenian (Turkish) Dominican Monks in Genoa . Alternatively, Nanni's copy of Berosus may have been preserved via a lost translation made into Armenian by the Syrian scholar Mar Abas Catina (late 2nd century BC), part of which (relating to Armenia alone) was copied by Moses of Khorene (approx 8th centry AD).
Secondly, Bayle
recounts that Didimus Rapaligerus Livianus mounted a posthumous defence of
Nanni in 1678BC saying that: “It is very well known…that Berosus was given him
at Genoa, by Father George of Armenia a Dominican [Friar]; and that he found
all the rest [i.e. fragments of Archilochus, Metasthenes, Cato, Fabius Pictor,
Myrsilus, C. Sempronius, Philo, Xenophon and Antoninus Pius], except Manetho,
at one Mr Williams’s of Mantua” (Bayle et al, 1737:299). Now, some fierce
critics (e.g. Fumagalli) have tried to dismiss this ‘Mr Williams’ as a figment.
Who exactly was he? The answer, it turns out, is quite simple. Nanni refers to
him as “Guilelmus Mantuanus” and dates his collections to the year AD1315 in Mantua (Ligota, 1987:56).
Now it so happens that Charles Cawley’s ‘Medieval
Lands’ the encyclopaedia of territories in the medieval western world,
found online at the web address referenced above, elucidates this mysterious
Guilelmus. Cawley contains the following very interesting statement: “Matthew
of Paris recounts that…Guglielmo VII Marchese di Monferrato [AD1240-1292]…was
appointed Vicar-General in northern Italy
by his father-in-law as candidate for the kingdom
of Italy , and led the movement to oust
Charles Comet d’Anjou from the kingdom
of Sicily . He succeeded
in depriving the latter of his possessions in Lombardy
and captured and castrated his ambassadors [probably between AD 1272 and 1275].
He became head of the Ghibelin League formed by the Marchese di Saluzzo [Thomas
I (AD 1239-1296) – Ed.] and contingents from Castile
in the towns of Pavia , Asti ,
Mantua , Verona , Genoa , Milan , Alessandria and Ivrea.”
Nanni visited Mantua
with the Most Reverend Cardinal Paul de Campo Fulgoso in the 1480’s, who he
mentions in a letter to his brother Thomas. Clearly, Guglielmo later became
known as Guilelmus of Mantua and his Collectanea
(collection of ancient authors) was where Nanni obtained his fragments of the 9
lost authors. The collection of Guglielmo (which he must have repossessed from Charles
I of Naples in Norther Italy) would have come
originally from Sicily .
Mantua library was
probably opened to honour William’s name, in AD1315, by his close kinsman
Theodore I, Marquess of Montferrat. This would neatly explain why Nanni in his
Antiquities of 1498 makes mention of a learned Talmudist, Rabbi Moses, who is
probably the Sicilian Moses of Palermo who lived in the second half of the 13th
century and translated various works of old Arabic into Latin for Charles I of
Naples. Charles d’Anjou, as he was know, was renowned for his love of learning
and at that time had commissioned a number of Jewish scholars to translate Arabic
works into Latin as part of the ‘Latin Renaissance’. Livianus cites a Lutheran
saying of the fragments Nanni obtained in Mantua: “…they are all of them
interpolated, castrated, imperfect, and neither translated with fidelity of
judgement: and yet that they were anciently extracted from those true and
legitimate authors, there are such arguments as can admit of no contradiction.
To instance only in [the 22 fragments of] Cato. Examine it again and again,
condemn it as you will, yet you must see and confess that it discovers the wit
and style of the true Cato, which are not to be imitated or counterfeited by
such sort of persons”.
Let us then
move now to consider the works impact on Protestant Theologians. It is
noteworthy that eminent Reformers with a high view of Scriptural inspiration,
together with other intellectual scholars just as capable, held Nanni (or
Annius) in great esteem. Martin Luther “preferred Annius’s Berosus to Herodotus
and his ilk” (Grafton, 1991:87) and found it his richest non-biblical source.
Philipp Melanchthon used his history extensively, as did Melanchthon’s student
Johann Funck, who considered Nanni’s Berosus “the most approved history of the
Babylonians” yet rejected Nanni’s Metasthenes as inconsistent (Grafton,
1991:98). In Protestant Geneva he was also held in high esteem by the well
respected Abraham Bucholzer who incorporated Nanni’s work into his Isagoge chronologica of 1577. And
others, like Guillaume Postel and members of the intellectual Florentine Academy
(such as Pier Francesco Giambullari), who were far less Scriptural yet just as
erudite, also considered Nanni’s works genuine. Postel may have ‘touched it
with a pin’ when he wrote that Nanni’s Berosus had a bad reputation because “he
passed down to posterity an account similar to that in the sacred [books], and
thus is despised and ridiculed by men poorly disposed toward divine things,
because of the very quality for which he ought to be praised and preferred to
all other authors”. He also noted that “Berosus sometimes told stories that
redounded to the discredit of the Chaldeans, and a witness testifying against
his own interest deserves belief” and again “Though Berosus the Chaldean is
preserved in fragments, and is disliked by atheists or enemies of Moses, he is
approved of by innumerable men and authors expert in every language and field
of learning. Hence I grant him the faith deserved of any accurate author”
(Grafton, 1991:82,95). Here, Postel is echoing a very significant truth. As
John (1994:24) notes: “In the commentaries to his forged texts Annius referred
to fifty-eight ancient authors whose works he might well have known at first
hand. All of them, bar one -- the Orphic Argonautica -- had appeared in
print by the mid-1490s, and those originally in Greek had been translated. The
range of his reading is impressive. He drew on all the standard
encyclopaedists: Pliny, Solinus, Aulus Gellius, Macrobius and Isidore of
Seville. He was familiar with the historians one would expect to be relevant:
Herodotus, Livy, Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Diodorus Siculus, Appian, Sallust,
Josephus, Eusebius, Trogus as epitomised by Justinus, Valerius Maximus,
Quintus Curtius Rufus and Plutarch. He also used the geographers
Pomponius Mela and Ptolemy, the mythographer Hyginus and the Christian
apologist Lactantius. Rather surprising, however, was his dependence upon
poets, who are almost as numerous as historians. They include Homer, Vergil,
Silius Italicus, Juvenal, Ovid, Martial, Valerius Flaccus, Horace, Tibullus,
Propertius and Lucan. In conjunction with these he used ancient commentaries on
poets, most notably Servius on Vergil, but also the pseudo-Acron and Porphyrion on Horace.”
As regards
Nanni’s supposed fraudulent inscriptions and statuettes, Livianus in Bale also
notes, from a source (Giornale VIII, de Letterati, 1678, p.122) that: “…He is
accused of forging some tables of marble, whereof he has published an
explanation. If therefore the truth deserves examining, this author clears
Annius by substantial arguments from his adversaries charge of imposture,
proving beyond contradiction, that two of those tables called Libiscillæ, from
the place where they were found, had been dug up a long time before Annius was
born…. And as to those two called Cibelariæ, and that called Longobarica, they
were discovered by others and presented to [Pope] Alexander VI, to say nothing
of that called Osiriana, which was brought before the time of Annius.” (Bayle
et al, 1737:299). For more on these fascinating tablets and their history, see: Collins, A. (Renaissance Epigraphy and its Legitimating Potential: Annius of Viterbo, Etruscan Inscriptions, and the Origins of Civilization). The Tabula Maeonica Cybelica in the museum of Viterbo, Italy, records the marriage of Jasius Ianigena (Hespanus, Coritus) - king of Italy and France to Ipitis Cybele - a fair and rich princess (which wedding occasion the elderly Queen Isis attended). It refers to an even older tablet (now lost) which recorded the founding of ancient Viterbo (then called Vetulonia - found further north) by Janus (Noah) and his son Cameses - and a later fortified settlement established by Hercules (Lehabim) - probably during the years 1548-1537 BC. Annius believed the newer tablet to have been set up by Pupinus and Marsias - later rulers of the Etruscans. Furthermore, the tablet Decretum Desiderii was said by the 16th Century Domenico Bianchi to date from its discovery in 1219 AD. The 18th Century Etruscologist Mariani claimed it had been fixed to the top of the cathedral in Viterbo until 1380 AD - therefore Annius could not possibly have forged it. (This claim would certainly explain its dome-like shape). It records the founding of Viterbo from 3 previous smaller habitations called Longula, Turrhena and Vetulonia via a single large town wall. The final tablet - called the 'Herculean Tablet of Osyris' - is the most remarkable of all. It contains various glyphs Annius believed were Egyptian (Pelasgian) in origin, including a tree, a lizard, a growing vine with grape clusters, two birds eating grapes and possibly a goose nesting at the top with eggs. In fact, the lizard or gekko at the bottom of the tree matches precisely the Egyptian hieroglyph 'asha', meaning many, numerous or multitude. The two birds probably represent colonies founded by Osyris - who feed on the grape vines he was famous for growing. The nesting 'goose' at the top is another name for Iped or Isis (the wife of Osyris), also found (coincidentally) in the Turin Canon (fragment 41 and 42) along with other "wholly fictitious beings" or "fantastically named royalties" such as Apis - dismissed by incredulous scholars (see Rohl, 2008, pg 100). Third, and finally, none of the arguments used by his critics
to discredit Annius have proven very persuasive to this author. Critics such as
Eduardo Fumagalli, Beatus Rhenanus, Pietro Crinito, Juan Luis Vives, Francois
Baudouin and Joannes Goropius Becanus were in many cases influenced by the
spirit of secular humanism and provide weak, insubstantial claims against his
works. We shall now instance some of these bogus arguments and provide a brief
rebuttal of each. 1: Pseudo-Berosus evidences great harmony with the other
fragments, which harmony can only be obtained through Nanni’s personal
authorship and intervention. A: Ligota (1987:45), however, comments: “…the
[supposedly] forged texts are set in a mosaic of references to authentic ones -
a theoretical framework does emerge. Indeed, though the ancient texts Annius invented
have a story to tell, their function, as the commentaries make clear, is as
much to show why the story is true as to tell it, that is, to unfold the story
as a demonstration of its veracity”. Then, Ligota notes in a footnote: “Telling this one story, which in the
Judeo-Christian scheme is the only (true) story there is, allowing for no
external point of view. As long as the scheme obtains, criteria for
historical truth cannot be entirely abstracted from the specific history they
are derived from because they are also an integral part of its content”. Thus
we find that this ‘doctoring’ argument backfires and serves to show the
remarkable unity between various authors which would be expected to obtain should they all have recorded what actually
happened. 2: It is absurd to think that a Babylonian knew anything in
detail about countries so far away, or that the art of navigation was so
advanced in Noah’s time that he dared travel all over the world. A: The extraordinary cargo of the ship-wreck
of Uluburun has proven that the ancients travelled far further than previously
thought. Berosus would have had access to many merchant traders who visited Babylon . Noah did not
travel all over the world. According to Berosus, he ventured only around the Mediterranean Sea and the countries surrounding it. 3.
Pseudo-Berosus never mentions the Hebrews (the Assyrian’s close neighbours). A:
It is well attested that all the kings of Assyria
from Ninus to Belochus were dissolute individuals who hated war and conflict
and remained permanently in their royal palaces to pursue every pleasure. Thus
it is not surprising that they do not record encounters with the Hebrews.
According to the detailed source study found in the Ph.D. thesis of learned
Professor R.T. John (1994:23): “Since the work [of Annius] has almost always
been dismissed as a collection of forgeries, rather than read as a history of
primeval Europe, as Annius intended, no-one has attempted to analyse its
ancient, medieval and modern sources. It has rather been assumed that he must
have invented much of what he wrote, both in the texts and in the commentary.
On close examination, it becomes apparent that this is not the case at all.
Throughout the work Annius continually supported his spurious authors with the
testimony of later genuine ones; he had sufficient historical awareness to
point out that the later authors he cited were of course following his own much
earlier, and therefore more reliable, historians.” The best external evidences (i.e. independent from the claims
of the once well respected classical historians like Eusebius and Tacitus) are
a few significant details which collectively persuaded me (J.Powell) of the
veracity of Giovanni Nanni’s history: 1. Nebuchadnezzar II’s own statement
(excavated in the 1800's, concerning '42 ages' - a fact I came across only after the synthesis of classical king lists
back to Noah – who was clearly proven number one. 2. Temple's (2011)
description of Mezorah of Morocco - which fits remarkably with Lynche's account
of Hercules' circular tomb built by the Spanish. 3. Knight and Butler 's work (based upon Thom) in the
identical units of measurement used by the megalith builders across the globe
and their claimed fascination with the stars. 4. Menzies (2011) work showing
that international trade in ancient history was extensive and complex based
upon the extraordinary cargo of the ship-wreck of Uluburun. 5. The warrior
steles found in Spain which
depict a circular megalithic tomb (which are clearly ancient renditions of the
megalithic tomb of Mezorah in Morocco )
– see Figure 4. And finally 6. The work of Nanno Marinatos (2010) who describes
the culture of Crete as part of an international milieu which included
cryptographic symbols of the Ark, the mountains of Ararat, the children of Noah
etc. Many other, smaller details, were also borne out by reference to more
ancient historical sources than Nanni himself.
[12] This is
293 years before Lynche’s date of 2317BC To arrive at this date I accept as
correct David Austin’s claim for a short Persian period (Austin, 2008a) and his
detailed, peer-reviewed and Scripturally validated calculations back until the
Exodus in 1533BC (c.f. Austin, 2008b and 2011); however I do not accept his
date for the entry of Jacob into Egypt. This occurred 430 years before the
Exodus (in 1963BC) as we are told in Galatians 3:17 and as Bowden (1998:
151-153) has persuasively argued contra- Viccary (2007). This date is also
consistent with Diodorus Siculus’s claim that the Assyrian Empire lasted more
than 1300 years before the Mede’s took power under Arbaces. From the Tower of Babel (2504 B.C.) until the 23rd
Babylonian monarch (Belochus or Sardanapalus – after whom the Line of Ham
failed) is approx. 1350 years. This period is clearly the “time of the kings of
Assyria ” mentioned in Nehemiah 9:32.
[13] The Ark as described by Fasold (1988) and as represented by
the sun disc and cosmic egg is consistent with both Scripture (Genesis 6:14-16)
and with the general design features of the ancient Egyptian boats found buried
at Giza . These
Egyptian ‘sacred boats’ were involved in an elaborate ritual held outside the
temples of Isis and Osyris (Temple , 2011), which
remembered the cataclysm and the Ark
in pagan cultish fashion. Similar ‘sacred boat’ processions were held around the
Mediterranean . The Ark itself probably had an asymmetric centre
of gravity and if Fasold’s fascinating reconstruction is correct it suggests
that the cubits used were of the ancient Egyptian (royal cubit) variety,
measuring 523-529 mm. To the ancient Chinese a vegetable gourd was their most
immediate analogy for the Ark ’s
shape – thus the early Rulers of China were called ‘Fu Xi’ or children of the
‘bottle gourd’.
[14] Line 37
of the cuneiform tablets of the Epic of Gilamesh calls this hill ‘Mount Mashu,
which daily guards the rising and setting of the Sun, above which only the dome
of the heavens reaches and whose flank reaches as far as the Netherworld below’
(Nissen, 2004:108). The village of Uzengili (originally Nazar or Nizir) is close to the village of Arzap (called the ‘Village of the Eight’
in the ‘Valley of the Eight’).
[15] Chapter
8 of Marinatos (2010) is most important in understanding this mountain.
Marinatos (2010:107-113) notes this sacred mountain in East
Mediterranean koine:
“The Egyptian symbol consists of two peaks that define the horizon between
which the sun disc resides. On Akkadian seals of the third millennium we find a
very similar rendition of the mountain represented as two scaly cones that
signify “land”. In Syria and
Anatolia , the twin peaks also symbolize a
mountain, sometimes a double one. The twin peak mountain defines the edges of
the cosmos. […] It has been previously mentioned that we do not see offerings
(bread, meat, incense, etc.) between the peaks of the object that has been
redefined as a mountain; therefore, its function cannot have been to sanctify
offerings. Instead, the two peaks frame a tree, a double axe, or a god. All of
these are symbols of cosmic significance and not votives that can be
consecreated. […] In summary: the tree rising between the Minoan twin-peak
mountain is not consecrated as an offering but constitutes the tree of life.
This is the solar palm…” Clearly, this was where humanity began afresh.
[16] This
name is found in the most ancient and important creation myth of Egypt ,
called the Ogdoad of Hermopolis (cf:
and is given because the sun god was said to be born and to rise there for the
first time. The story is believed to predate the cosmogony of Heliopolis , having been originally
established by Thoth (i.e. Lehabim). Armour (1986:153-154) notes an early
papyrus which records: “Salutations to you, you Five Great Gods, Who come out
of the City of Eight, You who are not yet in heaven, You who are not yet upon
the earth, You who are not yet illuminated by the sun”. “The poem tells how, on
the Island of Flame, the primeval hill similar to the one on which Ra arose,
the four gods came into being at the same time; they were seen as some sort of
force that existed between heaven and earth…Each element brought with him his
female component, giving the total of eight elements. The group included
Nun…and his consort Naunet; Heh…with his consort Heket…; Kek…and his consort
Keket;…and Amun with his consort Amaunet”. Armour amusingly suggests the story
is “a mythical explanation of the ebbing of the Nile flood, which left behind
it mounds of earth teeming with life”; yet it bears a striking resemblance to
the landing of the Ark – especially since from the ‘Cosmic Egg’ the ‘bird of
light’, an aspect of the sun god, burst out! The Egyptian Coffin Texts, spell
223, contain the note: “O Atum give me
this sweet air which is your nostrils for I am this egg which is in the Great
Cackler, I am the guardian of this great prop which separates the earth from
the sky. If I live, it will live; if I grow old, it will grow old; if I breathe
the air, it will breathe the air.
I am he who splits iron, I have gone round about the egg, (even I) the Lord of
[17] Lynche
(1601) records that Noah showed his sons their territories in the 100th
year after the flood. Before this, his family must have inhabited Turkey and
built some of the most ancient monuments in that country. The 25 years is an
approximation only during this period.
[18] Lynche
(1601) mentions an ancient marble called the ‘Issue of Noah’ which he found and
inscribed a history onto just after the flood. This marble may have once stood
within the megalithic henge of Zorats Karer near Sisian. This observatory-tomb
is very similar to others found in Europe and Morocco , suggesting a cultural
link. One significant difference, however, is that some stones have well
polished holes cut through them only here in Armenia . This is consistent with
Fasold’s claim that such stones were used by Noah as anchor stones on the Ark. After the
Cataclysm, these anchor stones were transported and reused to construct the
world’s very first megalith (Fasold, 1988).
Giovanni Nanni probably didn’t know that a place called Urfa existed, yet he mentioned that Noah was
called Arsa and had many place names called after him. This is one argument in
favour of his records being authentic.
[20] This is
speculation on my part, but the claim is reasonable given the great antiquity
of Gobekli Tepe and the fact that they travelled eastward to inhabit Babylonia (Genesis 11:2). Some interpret the word
‘eastward’ as ‘from the east’ i.e. ‘westward’. The same Hebew word is hard to
translate, yet is given in Genesis 2:8 as ‘eastward’. Gobekli Tepe is unusual
since the stone carvings found there are of species now completely foreign to Turkey .
[21] The
reader interested in studying population growth after the flood is referred to
Morris (1966). At the Tower
of Babel incident there
were probably 70 families of some 10-15 individuals – giving roughly 700-1500
people. By the entry of Abraham into Canaan
around the 10th generation, there would have been roughly 2,800,000
people in the world at a conservative estimate.
[22] C.f.
Inc Book Sales (2002) where we are given a description of the Tower of Babel .
Building of this tower probably began 80 years after the flood.
[23] Ussher
(2003:22) notes that the Tower
of Babel happened five
years after the birth of Peleg according to Syncellus’ translation of the Book
of Sothis by Manetho.
[24] Cory
and Hodges (2003: 75) note a fragment from Alexander Polyhistor which contains
this detail about a strong wind or whirlwind. The same detail is also contained
in other more ancient sources. 1st: A damaged Assyrio-Babylonian
Tablet now housed in the British
Museum reads: “…them the
father. (The thoughts) of his heart were evil…the father of all the gods he
turned from. (The thoughts) of his heart were evil…Babylon corruptly to sin went and small and
great mingled on the mound. … Babylon
corruptly to sin went small and great mingled on the mound. The King of the
holy mound…In front and Anu [i.e. Ham – Ed.] lifted up…to the good god of his
father….Then his heart also…which carried a command…at that time also…which
carried a command…At that time also…he lifted it up…Davkina. Their (work) all
day they founded to their stronghold in the night entirely an end he made. In
his anger also the secret council he poured out to scatter (abroad) his face he
set he gave a command to make strange their speech…their progress he impeded…the
altar…In (that day) he blew and…For
future time the mountain…Nu-nam-nir went…Violently they fronted against him. He
saw them and to the earth (descended). When a stop he did not make of the
gods…Against the gods they revolted…violence…Violently they wept for Babylon very much they
wept. And in the midst…”. 2nd: The Sibyl mentions: “When all men
spoke a common language, certain of them built an exceeding high tower,
thinking thereby to mount to heaven. But the gods sent winds against it and
overturned the tower and gave to every man a peculiar language; whence it comes
that the city was called Babylon .”
Also c.f. the book of Job Chapter 38 vs 1.
[25] Lynche
(1601) recounts Tanais as Noah’s point of departure on his first 10 year voyage
to establish boundaries. It is reasonable to suggest that he planted a vineyard
close to the habitation based upon ancient wine vessels found at this location
and the tradition that Noah was the ‘giver of wine’.
[26] Lynche
(1601) notes that Noah undertook at least two voyages around the Mediterranean , the first of which took 10 years.
[27] This
information comes from Lynche (1601).
[28] This
name comes from the historian Johannes Turmair (contemporary of the Reformer
Martin Luther) who published a king list in his Annals of Bavaria. For more information see: [WWW]
(Accessed on 26/08/11).
[29] This
detail comes from Shuckford, S. (1824). The Sacred and Profane History of the
World… Book 3, p. 104.
[30] For
more information about the post-Cataclysm ice-age, please see Oard (2004) and
Snelling (2009:763-787).
[31] Another
son of Javan was named Iobaath in the historian Nennius (Cooper, 1995:49),
Ithobaal the ‘priest of Astarte’ in the Annals of Tyre (Aubet, 2001:148) and
Jobhath in early Irish genealogy (Cooper, 1995:111-112).
Shuckford, S. (1824). p. 103-115, Kitchen, K. (2003). p. 592-597 and Cooper, B.
(1995). p. 170-204.
According to the Iranian historian al-Tabarī (d. 310 AH/923 AD) in his Ta’rikh 1:326, translated in McCants
(2012:109): “the first king to rule the earth [Persia ] was Ōshahanj b. Eber b.
Shelah b. Arphachshad b. Shem b. Noah.” This Ōshahanj is also called Ūshing,
Ūshang, Hōshang – whom we have identified as Ham.
[34] Isaiah
[35] Ibid
endnote 30.
[36] This
Huang-Di is recorded as the first to make sacrifices on Mount
Tai in China – see Thong, C. and Fu, C.
[37] The
full Chinese story of the children of the ‘bottle gourd’, the sole survivors of
a great flood, is found in Willis (ed.) (1993:93). It was commonly recounted in
the oral traditions of the Miao and Yao peoples
of South China .
[38] This is
Manetho’s record – who places 8 ‘demi-gods’ and ’15 heros’ (660 years) before
the birth of king Mizraim.
[39] For
this geneological information see Hoeh, H.L. (1967 and 1969) Compendium of World History. Volumes 1
and 2.
[40] Lynche
(1601) makes Dionysius the son of Almanthea (another wife of Hammon). However,
here we follow a fragment of Sanchoniathon (extracted from Eusebius), which can
be found in Cory and Hodges (2003:13). Sanchoniathon calls Dionysus by the name
of Kronus, but the same person which Lynche calls Dionysus is clearly meant
(given the context).
[41] That
Jupiter Belus was a son of Ham (Kronus) is found in a fragment of Sanchoniathon
(extracted from Eusebius) and in a fragment of Eupolemus, both of whom are
contained in Cory and Hodges (2003:14 and 82).
[42] Isaac
Newton in his ‘Chronology of the Ancient Kingdoms Amended’ cites the historian
Pausanias (2nd cen. AD) for this information regarding Phoroneus and
the Argives.
[43] Lynche
(1601) here seems to be following Dionysius of Halicarnassus (60 – 7BC), who
Sir Isaac Newton quoted in his ‘Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended’ as
saying: “Oenotrus having found in the western parts of Italy a large region fit
for pasturage and tillage, but yet for the most part uninhabited, and where it
was inhabited, peopled but thinly; in a certain part of it, purged from the
Barbarians, he built towns little and numerous in the mountains; which manner
of building was familiar to the ancients…”. Newton also notes he wrote:
“…seizing part of it, he built towns in the mountains, little and numerous…but
after this colony grew numerous, and began to want room, they expelled the
Siculi, compassed many cities with walls, and became possest of all the
territory between the two rivers Liris and Tibre…”. “The Sicaneans were reputed the first inhabitants of Sicily, they built little
Villages or Towns upon hills, and every Town had its own King; and by this
means they spread over the country, before they formed themselves into larger
governments with a common King: Philistus”.
[44] Lynche
(1601) notes this interesting point, also suggesting that the Italians knew
Noah under the alias of Janus. His date for the Flood (2317BC), however, places
the founding of this city later in history. Here we must caution that Nanni
(Lynche’s main source) was a Librarian of the Vatican
collections and therefore he may possibly have increased the antiquity of this
city to please the Roman Catholics.
Fragment of Sanchoniathon in Cory and Hodges (2003:13). In this part of the
fragment, Ouranos is Noah and Kronus is Ham. However names in Sanchoniathon are
inconsistent and generic and must be specified by the context of events.
[46] Lynche
(1601) and other historians are admittedly confused about this person. Perhaps
there were two people known as Poisedon or Neptune
– the first was the son of Ham and the second was the son of Mizraim. Either
way, their descendents were feared as tyrannical giants.
[47] This
date for Abraham’s birth differs from many reputable scholars including Ussher
and Jones, yet it is carefully based upon Scripture since according to Bowden’s
revised timeline (Bowden, 1998:177-180), where he notes (based on Acts 7:4)
that Terah was at least 130 years old
when he had Abraham, Abraham was thus born in 2013 Anno Mundi. Given creation
most likely took place in 4266BC based on the best scholarship; this means
Abraham’s birth date was 2253BC according to these assumptions.
Plutarch in his ‘De Iside et Osiride’, vol 2., p.354, notes that Amoun was
called ‘The hidden God’. It is believed by some that he was hidden in a cave on
Crete since Ham had many of his children
executed or imprisoned.
[49] Manetho
records these kings as the 15th Dynasty of Egypt.
[50] Nimrod
must have been born before 2478BC because he was made Saturn of the Babylonian
monarchy by Noah during that year (according to Lynche this was 132 years after
the Cataclysm – which he makes to be 2185BC). Here, I have assumed that Nimrod
was 609 at his death, meaning he was made Saturn of the Babylonians, by Noah,
in the year of his birth (to Cush ).
Lynche also gives his reign in Babylon
as 56 years, however this is totally incongruous with his total lifespan as
judged by his Scriptural contemporaries in the line of Shem. 609 years is
actually more reasonable!
[51] This
Semiramis I repaired Babylon
after a damaging flood, and made war on the Indians as recorded by Diodorus
Siculus. She was later conflated with Semiramis II (1135-1128BC) who married
Beletares (Belesius, Nebuchadnezzar I) – the former keeper of the royal gardens
(according to the king list of Eusebius and Hoeh (1967)).
[52] This
detail is recorded by Lynche (1601).
[53] This
account of the European kings is a synthesis of Lynche (1601) together with
Turmair’s king list and a fragment of Sanchoniathon (the latter historian being
found in Cory and Hodges (2003:9). In addition, Temple (2011) writes: “It is obvious that the
megalith builders, whose stone rings were clearly used for astronomical
observation purposes, were significantly advanced in astronomy and geometry.
Because they were a maritime civilization, they must have been unrivalled
navigators, and that may well be where their knowledge of astronomy and
geometry received its original impetus.” Knight and Butler (2011) have done extensive and
groundbreaking research into the units of measurement the megalith builders
used in many different countries (the Megalithic Yard, Minoan foot etc.). It
appears that the constellation Orion was mirrored on the ground in numerous
locations across the globe, including Thornborough in England , Giza in Egypt and possibly Sanzhaocun near the ancient
capital of Xi’an in China . The megalith builders were
totally obsessed with the golden ratio in their geometric plans of the Giza plateau (Temple , 2011)
- and coincidently David Fasold discovered the same golden ratio central to the
design of what many think are the remains of Noah’s Ark (Fasold, 1988).
Johannes Turmair (contemporary of the Reformer Martin Luther) who published a
king list in his Annals of Bavaria.
For more information see: [WWW]
(Accessed on 26/08/11).
[55] Lynche
(1601) and Hoeh (1967) both note this.
[56] Compare
Lynche (1601) with Johannes Turmair’s Bayerische
and Deutsche Chronik as in the
endnote above. Both record Gampar as the 7th king of Germany . German
kings continued after Gampar as follows: Schwab (1667-1621), Wandler
(1621-1580), Deuto (1580-1553), Alman (1553-1489), Baier (1489-1429), Ingram
(1429-1377), Adalger (1377-1328), Larein (1328-1277), Ylsing (1277-1224),
Brenner I (1224-1186), Heccar (1186-1155) (who was the Hector of the Trojan
War), Frank (1155-1114) etc.
Heyerdahl (1978:323) notes: “The main Roman discovery on the Atlantic coast of Africa was the island city of Lixus, then known as Maqom
Semes, ‘City of the Sun’ [Ed: i.e. Lehabim]. Its impressive sun-oriented,
megalithic structures were already then so ancient that the Romans considered
Lixus ‘The Eternal City’, older than any settlement inside the Mediterranean;
in fact, the Romans associated the place with the demi-gods who preceded men on
the earth, and ascribed the grave of Hercules to this island
of Lixus which overlooked the Atlantic Ocean . Today Lixus is no longer an island, and
ships cannot get near the former warfs. The impressive ruins are now to be seen
half-buried topping a headland, on a ridge surrounded on all sides by flat
fields through which the Lucus
River undulates towards
the Atlantic shore, now barely visible in the distance. Ships that were
undoubtedly in proportion to the colossal structures ashore once docked at what
was then an island coast; today not even the tiny four- to six-man reed boats,
which have survived among local fishermen, are able to approach the foot of the
landlocked hill. A large Roman mosaic of Neptune
bears witness to former links with the Ocean, while the ruins of Arab mosques
and Roman temples cover earlier Berber and Phoenician structures, refitted in
turn from gigantic blocks hauled from far away by the unknown sun-worshippers
who first chose the site.” Aubert (2001:162) notes that: “…Pliny adds that in
Lixus, in Atlantic Morocco, there was a sanctuary to Heracles (Melqart) that
was older than the one in Gadir and he places the mythical Garden of the
Hesperides in this area (Pliny Nat. Hist. 19:63). Ancient Lixus, situated on
the mouth of the modern Loukkos and in a well-sheltered bay, is close to
present-day El Araich or Larache. According to the classical texts, it was
apparently the most ancient Phoenician colony in the west, although, like Cadiz , it has not so far
yielded any archaeological material earlier than the seventh century BC.”
[58] Menzies
(2011) has presented a powerful thesis which shows that Crete was trading
copper and drugs with America
from a very early date. America
became conflated with the volcanic island
of Thera , which erupted
in ancient times, producing Plato’s myth of the sunken Atlantis.
[59] James
(1995, pg. 75) notes that: “Herodotus says that he was told by Egyptian priests
that the reign of their first king Menes (i.e. the beginning of their
civilization) fell 11, 340 years before the invasion of the Assyrian king
Sennacherib…”. Now, it is widely suspected that an extra zero has somehow been
added to this figure, meaning he meant 1,134 years. Now Lynche (1601) makes
Mizraim (Osyris) about 60 years old when he married his Sister Isis and we also
know from Lynche that Isis was born in the first regnal year of Queen Semiramis
(i.e. 1755BC). If Mizraim (Menes), being some 10-12 years older than his wife
when they married, was thus born in 1767BC (according to the relative
chronology provided by Lynche he was born in the reign of Nynas or Ninus II
i.e. between 1807-1755BC) and if the reigns of each ruler recorded by Eusebius
are correct as we have charted them, this would place Sennacherib’s invasion of
Egypt in 633BC - which turns out to be the exact
same year (calculated backwards from Nebuchadnezzar’s 524BC ascension) that
Sennacherib attempted to destroy Judah under Hezekiah’s kingship, straight
after he had captured all the Egyptian and Nubian charioteers! This is only
true, however, if we follow Austin and place the
destruction of Jerusalem
by Nebuchadnezzar in 506BC, some 80 years later than conventionally understood.
Surely this precise correlation is more than a coincidence!
Multiple lines of evidence suggest Mizraim was Hammurapi. The evidence is
summarised: 1. Mizraim was widely known as Apis, or Jupiter (H)ammon, therefore
Hammur-api is very close etymologically. 2. The Israelite slaves were known in Egypt as Hapiru
or Apiru – the slaves of Apis. 3. Apis was well-known for his placement of
pillars on his conquests, hence the stele of his law codes found in Persia as well as Diyarbekir in Turkey . 4. He
arrived in Babylonia/Assyria from India
once he discovered that his father Ham had tried (and failed) to conquer Babylonia for himself. 5. Isaiah 52:4 records ‘the
Assyrian’ as the oppressor of God’s people. 6. He (Jupiter Ammon) was king of Greece at the
time of the Exodus according to Tacitus. 7. The chronology of Egypt ’s kings
support this identification. 8. Many laws in Hammurapi’s code are similar to
the laws given Moses. 9. The Israelites worshipped a golden calf/bull (Apis).
[61] Here it
seems we have the first Olympic trainer! Dagon was an idol of the Philistines,
the fish god (1 Samuel 5:4), who came out of the Red Sea (from Egypt ) and
taught much knowledge (hence Berosus describes Oannes as half man, half fish
according to their pagan superstitions). The Olympic games must have begun
under Mizraim or his son Lehabim about 1750BC. They were later adopted by the
Greeks and the first Olympiad there began roughly 776BC Eusebius wrote: “From [Sardanapallus] until the first Olympiad, 40 years
elapsed.” I believe this is a copying error and the figure should be 400 years,
since Sardanapallus began his rule in 1180BC and 400 years afterward the first
Greek Olympiad occurred in roughly 776BC.
[62] Working
back from Nebuchadnezzar II who began in 523-4BC we have an unbroken line of
Assyrian/Anatolian rulers together with their lengths of reign from Eusebius.
This list suggests Semiramis I began her rule in 1755BC This date is also
consistent with the history of Queen Isis, who is said (by Lynche) to have been
born in the first year of Semiramis I and to have died some 40 years after the
first destruction of Troy (i.e. 1140BC) at 615 years old.
[63] For an
amazing confirmation of this point, see Marinatos (2010:114-196), where through
a study of Minoan art and iconography she establishes a standard shared set of
cultural assumptions about the Solar Dynasty of Ham, Mizraim, Isis and Lehabim
in the ancient Near East. The
Solar Dynasty were sons and daughters of Ham - the sun god. His
African/Egyptian dynasty were represented in iconography all over the near
eastern world by the ox head, the double-axe, the rosette and split-rosette,
the omega-shaped crown, the ankh sacred knot and the incurved altar (which
represented the sacred twin-crests of Mt. Yigityatagi where the ark had
rested and the sun god had arisen for the first time). Menzies
(2011) points out that the Cult of the (Apis) Bull stretched across the ancient
world. A Mycean dagger was found inscribed on Stonehenge in Avon , UK .
Furthermore, Crete had strong links with Egypt , where the Apis bulls were
considered sacred. All this evidence relates to the period here described.
[64] The
children of Ammon were the same peoples as the Lubims of II Chronicles 12:3,
who fought for pharaoh Shishak.
According to Josephus and Manetho, the Ethiopic war between Mizraim (Kronus,
Osyris) and Typhon (Titan) continued for hundreds of years, resulting in the
destruction of many descendants of Mizraim, and Moses was one of the last
generals to defeat the Ethiopians – shutting them up in a city called Saba or Meroe or Avaris. Plutarch
recounts that Typhon (Titan) had the aid of a famous queen of Ethiopia by the
name of Aso when he fought against Osyris.
[66] Rohl
(1995:268-273) notes: “Avaris was built on a series of sandy
hillocks…surrounded by swamplands to the east and south and the river to the
west and north. […] Bietak made the startling discovery that the grave goods
associated with the majority of these tombs were of Asiatic origin. The people
who had populated the sprawling city of Avaris
originated from Palestine and Syria ! […] an
anthropological analysis of the skeletal remains by Eike-Meinrad Winkler and
Harald Wilfing shows that more adult women were buried in the settlement than
adult men [and] sixty-five per cent of all the burials were those of children
under the age of eighteen months. Based on modern statistical evidence obtained
from pre-modern societies we would expect the infant mortality rate to be
around twenty to thirty per cent. Could this also be explained by the slaughter
of the Israelite infant males by the Egyptians? […] In the graves of Stratum G
the Austrians found…dismembered sheep, the latter undoubtedly funeral
offerings. Analysis of the sheep remains has shown that they were of the
long-haired variety. The Asiatic folk of early Avaris introduced the Levantine
long-haired sheep into Egypt
clearly indicating their pastoralist origins” (cf. Genesis 46:6).
[67] A
synchronism was noted here – in that both the invasion of Assyria by Ham and
Typhon together with the march of Mizraim’s troops through India and then Assyria and then Turkey occurred
chronologically very close. This would suggest Mizraim was in the same area at
the same time as his farther Ham, and leads us to the story about Ham’s
castration by his son which is normally attributed (wrongly) to Noah.
[68] This 9
year journey comes from Manetho’s account of the Twelfth Dynasty in Egypt .
Ammanemes was probably Mizraim and Sesostris was Lehabim or Hercules.
[69] For
more recent evidence of this tribe of women warriors, see: Ascherson, N.
(2007). Black Sea : The Birthplace of
Civilisation and Barbarism. London :
Vintage Books. pp. 111-124.
[70] The
Poem of Solon
Fragment of Sanchoniathon in Cory and Hodges (2003:11). Atlas is also described
as the High King of Atlantis in the Poem of Solon.
Fragment of Sanchoniathon in Cory and Hodges (2003:12). These flints can still
be found in Mezorah of Morocco.
Herodotus ‘The Histories’ 1:7 mentions king Agron (also called Argon) the
Lydian who was the “son of Ninus, the grandson of Belus, the great grandson of
Alcaeus (the son of Hercules)”. Clearly this has been corrupted. It should be
read that Argon (Arius) was the son of Ninyas, who was himself the grandson of
Jupiter Belus yet also the grandfather
of Balanaeus (Alcaeus) the son of Hercules (Lehabim) through Argon’s daughter.
This is clear from the king list provided by Berosus and Eusebius and the
chronology of international events deciphered. As Herodotus notes, exactly 22
generations follow on from this Agron or Argon, ending with Candaules the son
of Myrsus (who was clearly king Mithraeus in the king list of Eusebius).
Candaules was usurped by Gyges – another descendant of Lehabim (Hercules) –
leading to the dynasty of the Mermnads. This dynasty continued after Gyges: Ardys II, Sadyattes, Alyattes II and Croesus (Kroisos) - who was defeated by the Persians under Cyrus the Great.
Fragment of Sanchoniathon in Cory and Hodges (2003:15). “Kronus, having laid an
ambuscade for his father Ouranos in a certain place in the middle of the earth,
and having gotten him into his hands, cuts off his private parts near fountains
and rivers. There Ouranos was consecrated [deified], and his spirit was
separated, and the blood of his private parts dropped into the fountains and
the waters of the rivers; and the place is shewn even to this day.” These days,
the large blocks of the Turkish stone monument at Eflatun Pinar, meaning "lilac-coloured
spring", are believed to be Hittite in origin, although it was once known
as Plato’s Spring (see James, 1995, pg. 199). It is strongly reminiscent of
Sanchoniathon’s description of Ham’s execution place. Sanchoniathon also notes:
“But when Kronus came to man’s estate, by the advice and assistance of Hermes
Trismegistus, who was his secretary, he opposed his father Ouranos, avenging
his mother [Gē]”. Isaac
Newton also records how in the records of the Cretans: “Saturn was expelled his
Kingdom and castrated by his son Jupiter.” Gascoigne (2002, pg. 59) notes “The
Greeks also say: “She [Gaia i.e. Rhea the bitter wife] provided Kronus with the
adamantine sickle and he castrated him.”
[76] Lynche
[77] This
name Curetes comes from a fragment of Euemerus recorded in Eusebius and
contained in Cory and Hodges (2003:173). There, ‘the Curetes’ are described as
‘Priests of Jupiter in the island
of Crete , and of the
goddess Cybeles – Noah’s wife.
[78] The
name Tanais stems from king Targitaus (Tanais) of Scythia, apparently the son
of Mizraim (Scythian: Zeus) who took a daughter of the Borysthenes River
as his concubine. “…they say altogether, from their first king Targitaus until
the invasion of Darius roughly a thousand years passed” (Herodotus, The Histories, Book 4, 5., pp. 236-237).
This date agrees with the time which I have placed Mizraim in Tanais from other
sources. Targitaus, the first Egyptian king of Scythia ,
must then have ended his reign in Tanais roughly 1450BC. This is corroborated
by Justin (Marcus Justinus) in Book 1 of his Epitome of the Philippic History of Pompeius Trogus, English Trans.
John Selby Watson (1853), where “Sesostris” and “Tanaus” are princes who
engaged in ancient wars before the time of Ninus.
[79] The
Araxes (today Aras) river which constitutes the border between Turkey , Armenia ,
Azerbaijani and Iran
was probably named after this Queen Araxa. Incidently, the Norwegian scientist,
Thor Heyrdahl, believed that the Nordic and Anglo-Saxon peoples came from the
area of Caucasus – not far from the Ark
landing site. Heyrdahl followed the Islandic historian Snorre Sturlason
(AD1200) and discovered that Odin’s heavenly castle Asgaard was actually the
Russian town of Asov , where the river Don flows
into the Sea of Asov . The Semitic ruler (according to
Walter Monington in the Great Chartulary of Glastonbury, MSS Wood, Bodleian
Library, Oxford), whose name was Woden (Wodden, UUoden, Voden, UUothen, Othin)
was the chief of the Aesir (‘fire worshippers’) who had a castle in Asov before
the Romans caused them to flee for Sweden in 60BC. The As-ov, As-gaard (in
Danish) or As-gorod (in Russian) was the castle of the Aesir. As evidence, Heyrdahl noted that ancient metal belt
holders, rings and armbands from AD 100-200 found near the mouth of the Don
River were almost identical to Viking equivalents found in Sweden some 800
years later. Many place names in Snorre’s sagas, such as Tanais, matched the
ancient Greek names for places around the Sea of Asov .
The Odin-people or Udin people, now found in the Caucasus Mountains of
Azerbaidjan, stayed behind when the others escaped north (Nissen, 2004). For
more fascinating information on the Anglo-Saxons, see Cooper (1995).
[80] Hoeh
(1969) in his Compendium of World History
Volume 2, Chapter II, mentions Araxa as the daughter of king Gampar. She is
said to have married Libys the son of Oryz (clearly names of Lehabim and Osyris
or Mizraim). Herodotus (The Histories, Book 4, 20-22) mentions that the Kingdom
of the ‘Royal Scythians’ (who regard all other Scythians as their slaves) was
centred near Lake Maeetis (a former name for the Sea of Asov). This agrees with
Lynche, who records that Queen Araxa and Tuscus, the wife and son of Lehabim,
had their royal residence in Tanais near the mouth of the River Don.
[81] By this
time, Mizraim and his wife Isis were particularly skilled in agriculture (which
they first began in Lower Egypt according to
Lynche). Also noteworthy is the fact that Tanais, their previous habitation
before Germany ,
was a centre of wine production and vine growing - established by Noah himself.
The Apennine Mountains
of peninsular Italy
are apparently named after King Apis.
[82] Lynche
(1601) speaks of Dardanus founding Troy
and Laomedon later fortifying it with two large walls (c.f. James, 1991 - who notes that these two walls have now been found!). Priam
probably added to Laomedon’s great work under his rule (establishing what is
known as Troy VII). It is certainly possible that there was more than one
destruction of Troy .
The first may have been under Hercules the Grecian in the 12th Century and the second under
Agamemnon in the 9th Century, with other less famous wars a distinct possibility.
[83] Lynche
(1601) and Hoeh (1969) recount this Betus son of Tagus Orma (who is the
Togarmah of Genesis 10:3, a son of Gomer. Italy
– the house of Togarmah – traded in Italian horses with the sea-port city of Tyre c.f. Ezekiel 27:14).
Giovanni Nanni who was the controversial source used by Lynche, is believed to
have found evidential remains of Mizraim’s habitation in this city (which was
his native city in Italy ).
The evidence was alleged by some later critics to have been planted in the
ground and Nanni was considered a fraudulent disgrace (see endnote 10). This
author holds no strong position on this sordid dispute, but has presented a
brief defence in the endnote cited above.
[85] Lynche
(1601) but also see Gascoigne (2002:81-84) for a description of these first
kings of Samothea. Hoeh (1967) also lists these kings, but he assigns B.C.
dates to them which are inconsistent with the wider international chronology of
events. Dating many of these kings was extremely difficult, therefore only some
have dates associated.
[86] Lynche
(1601) recounts that Gerion reigned until the 28th year of Belochus
the 10th king of Babylon
(which he numbers from Nimrod the ‘Saturn’ of the Empire rather than from
Noah). John (1994:47) recounts that in Chaldean his name meant ‘stranger’,
while in Greek he was called Chryseos and in Latin Aureus – because of the
great treasure he accumulated.
[87] Lynche
(1601) notes that Tagus Orma gave his name to the river Tagus in Spain ,
in which large heaps of gold rich sands were found.
[88] John (1994:63) writes: “Jerónimo Pujades (1568-1635),
professor of canon law at the University of Barcelona, provided further
support for this theory in his Coronica universal del principal de
Cathalunya (1609). There was an inscription, he noted, near the church of S. Jaime which read: "BARCINO AB
[89] Of the
24th Dynasty of Egypt according to Manetho in Cory and Hodges
(2003). Accordingly, in his reign a miracle was said to have occurred, in that
“a sheep spoke”. This is most probably a derogatory reference to the Israelite
Prince Moses standing before Pharaoh.
[90] Clayton
(1753:124) states that Nanni’s Berosus places the Exodus in the reign of
Ascatades of Babylon, 794 years after the Flood. According to Lynche and
Nanni’s 2317BC Flood date, this would be approx. 1523BC, and accordingly Nanni
places Isius and Dardanus and the 16th king of Spain at the time of
the Exodus which he seems to have reckoned corresponded to their lifetimes. Perhaps it did. I believe, based on the death of Hercules in 1354BC and his 5th
successor being Isius, that Isius and Dardanus must have had very long lifespans of approx 250 years. This would makes sense because they were the 8th generation from Ham. Abraham was the 10th generation from Shem, and lived to 175 years old. Terah his father (9th gen.) lived over 200 years. Nevertheless, the king of Babylon at the time of
the Exodus (1533BC) was actually Belochus the 13th king of Assyria from Noah, not Ascatades the 21st.
[91] Polemo
(extracted from Africanus, as quoted by Eusebius) in Cory and Hodges (2003:146)
notes: ‘that in the reign of Apis, the son of Phoroneus, a part of the Egyptian
army deserted from Egypt, and took up their habitation in that part of Syria
which is called Palestine, not far from Arabia.’ Mizraim (Apis, Jupiter Ammon)
don’t forget, perished in an assassination in 1469BC. Furthermore, Tacitus (The
Histories, Book 5) states: “Others
assert that in the reign of Isis the overflowing population of Egypt , led by
Hierosolymus and Judas, discharged itself into the neighbouring countries… Most
writers, however, agree in stating that once Egypt was over-run by a pestilential
disease, contaminating living bodies, and very foul to behold; Bocchoris
[Boccharis] the king, applying for a Remedy to the Oracle of Jupiter Ammon, was
ordered to purge his Kingdom, and to remove, into another country, that
Generation of Men, so detested by the Deities.” (Tacitus extracted from Clayton
(1753:132)). Jupiter Ammon was clearly the High King - Mizraim (inhabiting Argos in Greece )
and Boccharis was a petty king or ‘pharaoh’ under his rule at the time. Isis
was also reigning as the wife of Jupiter Ammon, yet we are not sure where –
probably Thebes .
Mount Sinai (incidently) can be located in Arabia (Galatians 4:25) and
is today called Jabal al Lawz in Saudi Arabia
(Blum, 1998). The Golden Calf makes a whole lot more sense when we consider the
Apis bulls were venerated gods of the Egyptians at that time. Stone carvings of
bulls have been found on the natural stone altar below Jabal al Lawz. Furthermore, Cush
was the land of Saudi
Arabia (Numbers 12:1 should read Cushite woman not Ethiopian
because Zipporah the daughter of Jethro the Priest of Midian was from Saudi Arabia or Cush ).
Josephus calls the city of Avaris by the name of
Saba – probably named after this king Sabacon.
It was later conquered and inhabited again by a league of Israelites together
with Egyptian outcasts.
[93] Lynche
[94] Mizraim
was Menes the Thinite of the ‘First Dynasty’ who Manetho records ‘perished by a
wound received from a hippopotamus’. Other sources such as Plutarch suggest a
crocodile killed him. Since Manetho’s list of Dynasties was actually understood
correctly by Eusebius to be various lists of near contemporary rulers (perhaps
of each Egyptian Nome in some cases) Mizraim was also recorded as Ammanemes of
the ‘Twelfth Dynasty’ who was ‘slain by his eunuchs’; and both Misphragmuthosis
and Armesses or Armais of the ‘Eighteenth Dynasty’. This can only be true if
the longevity of Mizraim (and thus the authenticity of the Genesis account of
history) is taken as given.
[95] Eudoxus
of Cnidus (408BC – 347BC), according to Isaac Newton ’s ‘The Chronology of the Ancient
Kingdoms Amended’, recorded that Bacchus was slain by Typhon.
[96] See
Anon (1841). History of the Egyptians: From Rollin, and other authentic
sources, both ancient and modern. London :
The Religious Tract Society. [WWW]
[97] For
more information on the Labyrinth and these 12 halls, see: [WWW]
(Accessed on 20/01/12). Shuckford (1824:113) recounts that after Mizraim’s
death Egypt was divided into
three by his three sons Ananim king of Tanis ,
Naphtuhim king of Naph (Memphis ) and Pathrusim
king of Pathros (Thebes ).
These three may have been among the twelve.
[98] See
Gascoigne (2002:129) where the work of Viktor Rydberg’s Teutonic Mythology is summarised.
[99] From
Josephus against Apion, extracted from Cory and Hodges (2003:134-135). David
Rohl (1995:271) corroborates this with archaeology saying: “Bietak notes that
the early Asiatics [found in Avaris] were highly ‘Egyptianised’. The later
Asiatics, whom I shall subsequently identify with the Hyksos invaders…were very
different. According to Bietak the tombs of this group were ‘purely
Canaanite…and showed little Egyptian influence’ – in other words newcomers from
the Levant .”
[100] This
detail is found in Josephus who wrote in his Antiquities of the Jews: ‘As for the rest, Ludieim, and Enemim, and
Labim, who alone inhabited in Libya, and called the country from himself,
Nedim, and Phethrosim, and Chesloim, and Cepthorim, we know nothing of them
besides their names; for the Ethiopic war, which we shall describe hereafter,
was the cause that those cities were overthrown.’
[101] For
more detail of this historic battle on the Rhine
from Holinshed’s Chronicles, see Gascoigne (2002:87).
[102] Tuscus
was called for this coronation ceremony (approx. 1415BC) from Lehabim’s (i.e.
Odin’s) Tanais or Asov (Asgaard) in modern day Russia , where his mother Queen
Araxa (Aruru, Ninhurshag) clearly had her palace of residence. The line of
Italian kings continued: 1. Altheus 2. Blascon 3. Camboblascon (Coribantus of
Italy not France - whom Morges the son of Ophren relinquished the throne to as
a sign of remorse).
[103] Aubet
(1993:154) notes: “On the coins from Tyre [found
in Spain ],
Melqart appears as a sea god, mounted on a hippocampus” [Ed: a chimera of horse
and fish]. … “Phoenician trade in the west, then, began under the aegis of
Melqart, that is to say of the king of Tyre ”.
[104] After
Hesperus (Isius, Jasius) was killed by Ophren (Dardanus) his younger brother,
Tyrrhenus the son of Lehabim travelled from Western Anatolia to Italy
to form the Etruscans under 12 provinces. There was also an interregnum of some
time before Allobrox was made king of France
and Britain .
Then followed in Samothea: 1. Romus (Romanessos?), 2. Paris , 3. Lemanus, 4. Olbius, 5. Galates II,
6. Nannes, 7. Remis, 8. Francus, 9. Pictus and 10. Brutus or Brute (who is
believed by some to have arrived in Britain
around 1127 BC to found Trojovinium or New Troy – aka London ). From Ophren (Dardanus) the line of
Trojan kings continued: 1. Erichthonius, 2. Trous, 3. Assaracus, 4. Anchises,
5. Aeneas (Dardans - who fled from burning Troy, killed Turnus king of the
Rutulians and married Lavinia daughter of Latinus in Italy), 6. Silvius and 7.
Brutus who invaded Britain . In my scheme, and the New Chronology of James and Rohl this would place Brutus around 820 BC.
Attested by Sallust, Bell . Jug. 1:8, 3 and Mela 3:46 together
with Egyptian archaeological iconography just recently found in Spain . See
endnote 106.
[106] This
Ophren (Iardanus) had a daughter called Omphale who married Lehabim and gave
him a son – Athus the Great.
[107] An
ancient, uniquely Egyptian symbol of holy metallurgy, plus a stone depiction of
Hercules’ circular island of Mezorah near Lixus (together with Hercules standing
next to it) has been found by Spanish archaeologists in Cancho Roano, 250 km
from the coast of Spain .
The market of ancient Tarsessos (biblical Tarshish) has also been found in the
old Huelva
harbour area on this coast. See TV production: ‘Finding Atlantis’ (2011) by
National Geographic. Cf. Figure 3. Many other ancient Spanish artefacts prove
beyond doubt that the Spanish buried a famous warrior within a grand circular
tomb on an island. For instance, see: The Solana de Cabanas Stele.
[108] Aubet
(2001:153) notes: “Some authors have hinted at a direct link between the two
pillars of the temple in Tyre and the Pillars of Hercules at the other end of
the Phoenician world in the city of Gadir (Arrian 2:17, 1-4).”
[109] Ophren
usurped the throne from Hesperus (Hespanus) and gave a daughter called Electra
(Roma) to Coritus (Corybantus) in marriage. He then fled to Turkey and founded Dardania (Troy I) under the oversight of Xanthos
[110] This
information is confirmed by Idjennaden (The Kings of Mauretania – Kindle
Edition) where he notes: “Another tradition, reported by Sallust, who took it
from the books of the Numidian king Hiempsal, says that the Medes (from Media,
a country north from Persia), the Armenians and the Persians, all belonging to
the army that Hercules led to Spain, had moved in Africa after the death of
this hero. The first two peoples would have mixed with the Lybians living on
the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, while the Persians settled farther west,
near the Atlantic Ocean . The peoples resulting
from the merger with the autochthonous people resulted in the ancestors of the
Numidians for the first group, and in the Maures for the second. The tradition
of Hercules in Iberia
leading a large army made of different nations, would be a myth behind which
there is a truth: the installation of many Phoenician colonies in Spain led by a
Melqart, a god worshipped by the Phoenicians and who is the counterpart of the
Greek god Hercules.” If this were true, it would explain why Pharaoh Shishak
had such a large multi-national army when he invaded Jerusalem (1 Kings 14:25).
“Agamemnon’s sceptre was made by Vulcan, and by Vulcan given to Jupiter, by
Jupiter to Mercury, by Mercury to Pelops, by Pelops to Atreus, by Atreus to
Thyestes, and by Thyestes to Agamemnon” (Shuckford, (1824:302)).
[112] See
Cooper (1995:84-85) and Gascoigne (2002: 126-130). Woden fled from Asgaard to Sweden
when the Romans invaded and hence arose the Anglo-Saxon line.
Eusebius writes: “Sardanapallus… became the final king of the Assyrians. He
surpassed all his predecessors in luxurious living and laziness. After a bit
[Diodorus] informs that [Sardanapallus] was so dissolute that not only did he
ruin his own life, but he wreaked the entire Assyrian state which had endured
from time immemorial. Now it happened that there was a certain Arbaces of
Median nationality, a virtuous stout-hearted man who was a general of the Medes
who were sent each year to Ninus' city. In the course of his military duties,
he became friendly with the commander-in-chief of the Median army, who
beseeched him to overthrow the Assyrian government. This is what Diodorus
relates in book two of the Historical
Library.” Indeed, Arbaces the Mede, destroyed the power of the Assyrians and
transferred rule to the Medes. Under his rule, keeper of the Royal Gardens
(Belesius) intermarries and rules in Babylon as
a petty king or satrap - building the Hanging Gardens
for his Hammitic wife Attosa. Some of the succeeding Kings of the Medes after
Arbaces are named by Cephalion (in Eusebius) as: Maudaces, Sosarmus
(974-952BC), Artycas, Deioces (811-771BC), Phraortes (658-637BC), Cyaxares
(585-543BC) and Ashdahak (Astyages, Assuerus, Ahasuerus of Dan. 9:1), the
latter being contemporary with both Cyrus I King of Persia and Acraganes
(Saracus) of Babylon who was betrayed by his rebellious usurper general Thonos
Concolerus (Narbopalassar). Is there any biblical confirmation for this
revision of the Median Empire? Yes there is. Isaac Newton wrote that: “After
the days of Nimrod, we hear no more of an Assyrian Empire ‘till the days of
Pul”. Given what we have discovered since Newton ’s
wrote these words, his statement no longer holds water. There were many kings
before Pul. In fact, Nehemiah 9:32 states regarding the Jews: “Now therefore
our God, - let not all the trouble seem little before thee that hath come upon
us, on our Kings, on our Princes, and on our Priests, and on our Prophets, and
on our fathers, and on all thy people, since the time of the Kings of Assyria,
unto this day”. By the context of this passage, it is clear that the trouble
that Nehemiah is referring to began in the time of their fathers who were given
the promised land i.e. Judges (1140BC)
when the Hamitic Assyrian kings failed in the reign of dissolute king Sardanapallus, not 400 years
later with the rise of the Assyrian king Pul (Tiglath-Pileser III) in the 6th
C. BC .
It is not the rise of the kings of Assyria that this verse refers to at all, it
is the end of their ancient rule from Nimrod (the mighty hunter) until
Sardanapallus – some 1300 years that this verse speaks of, as many reliable
ancient historians clearly also corroborate.
[114] Today,
traditional Protestant history is considered little more than ancient
euhemeristic mythography (reducing pagan mythology to ‘distorted echoes’ of
Hebrew truths and belittling pagan gods as mortal men). The modern alternative
to Nanni, i.e. cuneiform studies and ‘deep history’, suggest that the oldest
pottery in the world (to date) has a radiometric age of 12,700BC (Rudgley,
1999). This dates, in most biblical chronologies, to roughly 6,426 years older than the very inception of cosmic
time itself! Human pottery existing ‘before the beginning of the universe’ is
nothing short of farcical. It belongs in a Douglas Adams novel. Yet this is
where secular humanism has inevitably led historical scholarship, because
nothing in history makes sense, except in the light of creation and the
Judeo-Christian Tanakh (Old
Testament). Cuneiform tablets are enormously useful for answering certain
biogeographical questions, yet their value in establishing an absolute
chronology is presently rather limited.
Burgess (2004:125) writes: “Evolutionists have made great efforts to find
evidence of such gradual development of technology but with no success…. There
are claims of simple weapons like spears and axes being older than 10,000 years
but the origin and age of these is very debatable…. If man had evolved, there
would have been very intelligent people around for a period of more than
100.000 years because intelligence would not have changed significantly over
such a period…. If man had been around for the last 100,000 years, there would
have been people with the ability of Newton
living in virtually every generation. To propose that there was a period of at
least 100,000 years where very intelligent people did not make any significant
inventions is absurd in the extreme.”


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